What Are You Afraid Of?

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(Apparently Netflix no longer has IT, so I'm using YT to write this now. Sorry, for any missing scenes.)


"Okay, so... Lemme get this straight. It comes out from wherever to eat kids for like a year, and then what? It just goes to rest?" asks Eddie

"Maybe it's like... What do you call it? Cicadas, you know, the bugs that come out every 17 years?" asks Stan

"My grandfather thinks that this town is cursed. He says that, the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing. An evil thing that feeds off the people in Derry." says Mike

"Makes sense." I scratch my head, "Also, it sounds creepy as hell."

"That can't be one thing, we all saw something different." says Stan

"Yeah, it's either that or it caused us major trauma that made us see something in our dreams, which I doubt." I say

"I know the difference between dreams and real life. Maybe it knows what scares us most and that's what we see." says Mike

"I... I saw a leaper." says Eddie, "He was like a walking infection."

"Ughhh." I say as a form of disgust. 

"Exactly what I thought!" says Eddie

"Bev's dad couldn't see the blood. Guess everyone who sees shit are probably the ones that this force wants to consume." I say

"It isn't real. None of this is! Not Eddie's leaper, or Bill seeing Georgie, or the woman I-I keep seeing." says Stan

"Is she hot?" Richie smirks

"Shut the fuck up!" I hit him in the arm. 

"Aww, is someone jealous?" he asks, putting an arm around me. 

"Honestly, no. You're just being cringy." I say

"Yeah, love you too." says Richie

"No, Richie! She's not hot! Her face is all messed up, and none of this makes any sense! They're all like bad dreams." says Stan

"Except they're not. So, there has to be a way to stop it, and I know for a damn fact therapy wont do shit." I say

"We're all afraid of something, that's what we keep seeing." says Mike

"Got that right." says Richie

"What 'bout you, Rich? What are you afraid of?" I ask

"Clowns..." he says, and I hold touch arm in a comforting way. 


"Look." says Bill as he finishes setting up a map that we were using to figure out how to stop all this, "That's where G-g-georgie disappeared."

Then he started counting places that this whole shit has happened, and it's come to realization that it always happens by the sewers. 

"They all meet up at the well house." I say

"It's the house on Neibolt street." says Stan

"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" asks Richie, Eddie starts to take puffs of his inhaler, me being me goes up to him to see how he's doing. 

"Hey, you okay?" I ask

He shakes his head no, "This whole thing is such a freak show. I don't wanna be a part of this..." he's shaking. 

"Hey, it'll be okay, alright? As long as the whole team is together we can fight anything off." I say

"I hate that place, it always feels like it's watching me." says Bev

"That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown." says Eddie, I pull him into a comforting hug. 

"That's where IT lives." says Bill

"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." says Stan

Eddie then lets go of the hug and stands in front of the map, "Can we stop talking about this. I can barely breathe. This is summer, we're kids, I can barely breathe, I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack! And I'm not doing this!" Eddie rips the map off.

"Eddie, come on..." I say

"Put the map back!" says Bill, but Eddie shakes his head no. 

Then the monitor starts to change pictures, over and over again, then it zooms into Georgie, then Bill's mother, and then we see a clown face. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT--" starts Richie, pulling me closer to him.

"IT'S A GODDAMN CLOWN!" I freak out, I look to see Eddie also freaking out using his inhaler non-stop. 

We then eventually turn it off after a lot of screaming. Only for a bigass clown with bigass teeth to appear in front of us. 

It comes over to me, pining me by the wall. But I look him in the eyes and say "Go ahead bitch, kill me." before I can react, they open the garage door, and there's light. Then suddenly, the clown has disappeared. 

"It saw us... it saw us and it knows where we are!" says Eddie

"It always knew. How do you think it came here?" I ask

"So, let's go." says Bill

"Go? Go where?" asks Ben

"Neibolt. That's where IT took G-g-g-g-georgie."

"After that?" asks Stan

"Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside--" says Richie

"Richie I swear if you say that one more damn time... We can't have fun. Not when we know there's some killer clown out there waiting for us to be scared so he can enjoy eating our flesh any minute!" I say, Bill nods. 

"Bill wait!" says Bev as Bill leaves.

"I'm not gonna stand here and do nothing, guys, sorry." I say as I start to follow Bill, only to get stopped by a voice. "Y/n?"

Sorry I haven't been updating. Yes, I died and came back to life just to write this story lol. Hope you enjoyed it!

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