The Quarry

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We were walking to the quarry with Bev. 

"Alright, who's first?" one of the losers asked. 

"We'll go!" I screamed, then got our my dress to reveal my bra and underwear. 

"Sissies" said Bev, and we both jumped in, as Richie screamed "What the fuck!"

"Come on!" we screamed, as they both jumped in 1 by one. 

I then felt arms around my waist underwater, I turned around to see Richie with a smirk on his face. 

"Get off, Trashmouth" I said, as Richie acted offended

"I'll get you soon enough, sweet cheeks" said Richie, then I saw Eddie looking at us with a sad face, or a glare? Wtf is going on here...?

We then played games, and swam around and shit. 


Bev and I were now sunbathing. And the losers were staring. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said

"Wait what?" asked Bev

"They were staring" I said, as everyone looked away, except Richie. 

"Richie, you good?" I asked

"Yeah, toots, never better" he said, smirking

We then took a seat on the rocks. I took a seat next to Richie, and Bev took a seat next to Bill. 

"News flash, Ben. School's out for summah" said Richie, in an English accent

"Oh, that? That's not school stuff" said Ben

"Who sent you this?" 

"No one, give it..."

"What's with the history project?"

"Richie, stop being so nosy" I said, laughing and playfully shoving Richie

"Well, when I first moved to Derry, I didn't have anyone to hang out with. So I just started spending time in the library" said Ben

"You went to the library? On purpose?" asked Richie

"What? It can be funnn" I said 

"Oh, not you too, doll!" said Richie, I laughed

"Ooo, I wanna see" said Bev, looking at the picture. 

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-your hair" said Bill

"It suits you, Bev" I said

"Oh, right. Thanks" said Bev

We then started talking about how people went missing all of the sudden throughout the years. 

"I've got more stuff, if you wanna see it" said Ben

Eddie rapidly shook his head. 

"It's fine, Eds. Nothing's gonna happen, trust me" I said

He sighed, and nodded


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wow!" said Richie

"Cool, huh?" asked Ben

"No, no, nothing cool" said Richie, I gave him a "Seriously?" look

"No, it's pretty cool" I said

"Wait, this is cool, right here! Wait, no, no, no, no it's not cool" said Eddie

"What's that?" asked Stan

"Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township." said Ben 

"Nerd alert" said Richie

"Dude, you're the one with the glasses" I said

"But I don't decorate my room with history!" said Richie

"Sheeesh" I said

"No, actually, it's.. it's really interesting. Derry started as a beaver trapping camp" said Ben

"Still is, amirite boys?" asked Richie, getting his hand up, but Stan shook his head, I just got his hand down and intertwined our fingers so he doesn't do it again. But I could have sworn that I saw some redness on his cheeks. 

"99 people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace" said Ben

"The entire camp?" asked Eddie, Ben nodded. 

"There were rumors of Indians. But no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something" said Ben

"Everybody was being lazy" I said, Ben agreed. Then we talked some other shit. But I noticed there was like some clown figure with a big ass forehead? Wtf was that?

Bill knocked me outta my thoughts by saying. "W-w-w-where was the wellhouse?" 

"I don't know. Somewhere in town I guess" said Ben

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