Chapter One

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Frantically speed walking through the busy streets of London, I check behind me every now and again to see if i'm still being followed.

If he's still following me.

Every step i take, he gets closer by two. At this point, i'll never outrun him. My chest is getting heavy at the thought of being in his grasp again.

He'll hurt me again. He always does. He never changed even though he said he did. The non stop lying, i hate it. I hate him.

I don't even know where i'm going, i'm not familiar with this part of London. The thousands of people, loud noise. I hate loud noises. Especially shouting. The buildings are so big, i feel so small, so lost.

He's calling out to me now. He's shouting my name. Not my real name. The name he gave me.

He said my name didn't fit his family's standards. It was too soft and childlike. From the third week of dating, he made me go by 'Elizabeth'. At least his farther was proud.

Tears are blurring my vision now and  my hands are shaking profusely. This is the first time i've seen him since June. Since that day he ruined me.

As i quicken my pace even more. I remember what my brother once told me when i was little.

"If ever you're lost and in need of help, run to the nearest person and hug them. Let them know your struggles"

As that played over in my head, i was scanning the sea of people in front of me. Most of them were family's with children. I wouldn't want to ruin their evening. I need someone who looks approachable; kind.

There's a tall woman in the distance. She looks calm but has a very stern expression on her face. She knows what she's doing but looks annoyed for having to do it. Maybe in her mid thirty's. She's in a business suit with a cup of coffee in her hand.

I immediately started to walk towards her. She had just left the coffee shop and was walking towards the big building on her right. As she lifted her arm to check the watch on her wrist, i took that as my perfect opportunity to sprint at her and quickly warp my arms around her, burring my face in her chest.

She smelt of roses and cigarette smoke.

I could feel her body stumble and tense at my actions. I felt really bad now and started to pull away. This probably wasn't what my brother meant by 'hug someone'.

However, as she looked down at my worried face she gently put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" She spoke, her voice was slightly raspy but incredibly soothing. The pet name immediately reassured me that she was safe.

But as i had now stopped, he managed to catch up and was only a few meters away now. Still yelling my name causing people to give me questioning stares. The pretty business woman noticed and asked.

"Do you know that man, honey?"

Of course i couldn't deny it, so i slowly nodded my head with fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. I wish i didn't know him. With my whole entire body.

The woman looked concerned as to why i was crying but still managed to keep her hand on my shoulder, rubbing little circles with her thumb, while i picked and the skin around my fingernails. She seemed to pick up on that.

"Is he a bad man?" She asked, to my surprise. I thought she was going to hand me over to him.

I whined in response and inched closer to the woman. She was warm and i needed to feel safe. She looked down at me and removed her hand from my shoulder, only to grab my left hand in her right.

She carried on walking towards the big building like nothing happened, as if she had only just got her coffee. Although i was now attached to her side.

Tears were still falling down my face as we made it inside. Peeking over my shoulder i noticed that he still hadn't left and was also making his way into the building. I grabbed tighter on pretty lady's hand and i heard her mutter to one of the security guards.

"Escort him of the property, make sure he never gets in."

And just like that, the guards were strutting with force towards the door.

I could hear loud grunting from the distance as we got further away. The woman kept her firm grip on my hand all the way up to her office. Top floor.

Only important people are on the top floor. She must be important.

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