Chapter Four

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Soon both women split ways. Addilyn wasn't too happy to be leaving her new friend, however she immediately cheered up once Rose decided to put her number in her phone, followed by a tight hug.

They said their goodbyes and Addilyn got in the taxi Rose called for her. The ride home wasn't too long. Around 10 minutes. She was looking out the window at the fairly pretty view. Nothing too exciting, a few tress here and there, colourful bikes, tall buildings etc.

It wasn't long before Addilyn made it home and rushed up to her flat. After locking the door and hanging up her coat and bag, she made her way to her bedroom.

"Milo!" Addilyn screeched. "What on earth are you doing!"

Sat peacefully upon the window was Addilyns black cat. She had forgotten to close her window this morning and Milo thought it was the perfect opportunity to climb his way up so he could breathe some fresh air.

The outside was very foreign to Milo. Addilyn was too scared to let him out on his own. She didn't want to lose him. So instead of shutting him indoors completely, every evening just as dinner was ready, they would both make their way through the window into the small balcony area and eat together.

Milo and his special cat food, Addilyn and her noodles, most of the time anyway.

"You can't just sit up there without me! You could fall and hurt yourself!" She spoke as if the cat would understand and reply.

Picking him up and placing him in her small arms, she walked over to the kitchen and gently placed Milo in his bed right besides the fridge.

He groaned in response but that didn't phase Addilyn, she gave him a little peck on the nose and continued smiling.

"Stay there while i make us both dinner, i have so much to tell you Milo!"

She walked over to her step so she could reach the top cupboards and reached in to grab a king size pot of noodles. She filled up the kettle half way, with a little extra so she could make a cup of herbal tea.

Next was the cat. The greedy cat. Grabbing his small polka dot bowl, Addilyn filled it with his little fish shaped biscuits.

Milo had heard the rattling of the cat food bag and made his way to circle Addilyns feet.

"Milo no, you can't give me puppy dog eyes, you're a cat!" She said as if it was obvious. Milo purred lowly before backing away back to his bed.

"That's what i thought."

Just then the kettle started to whistle. Rushing over and quickly turning off the stove, Addilyn poured half of the contents into her noodles, and the other half into her floral mug.

She had quite the collection of herbal teas so had a tricky time deciding what flavour. However, when she asked milo to chose and his paw landed on night time berry, she knew that must be the one.

Finally, everything made in the kitchen was loaded onto a tray and Addilyn was in the process of setting it all up outside.

"Milo. C'mere boy!" She called into the flat.

The black cat made his way to the balcony too and dug straight into his food.

Addilyn chucked as she too, dug straight into her noodles.

The two best friends sat there contently eating their food for the next 20 minutes, before Addilyn decided it was time to tell Milo what had happened today.

"Ugh, i don't know what to do. She was so nice, and every time she called me a sweet pet name, i got this many butterflies!" She exaggerated, holding her arms out wide to show Milo just how many she means.

"She was pretty too! I loved her eyes, even though i didn't look in them very often. And tall! She was a lot taller than me. And she smelt so good Milo! I cant believe she even wants to be my friend. Do you think maybe, she wants to be more than friends? I don't know, maybe she thought i was pretty too?" Addilyn rambled on, until she remembered the most important part.

"Oh! I forgot to say...i saw you know who." She said in a quiet mumble.

At the mention of you know who, Milos head shot up in a worried matter, but Addilyn quickly dismissed it.

"Don't look so scared, Rose saved me from him!...Do you think i should call her?" She suddenly thought.

Addilyn was very grateful for everything Rose managed to help her with today. And when she came to think of it, when they were both saying goodbye to eachother, she was too surprised when Rose gave over her number. That she forgot to say thank you!

If cats could snicker, that exactly what Milo just did. Milo was like Addilyns gut feeling. He knew it wasn't the best idea to phone Rose.

But if course, Addilyn did it anyway.

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