Chapter Six

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"It's after hours, if you're looking for business you should know the hours i work. Don't call again." Rose practically spat as she answered the phone. She couldn't understand how people had so much pleasure in disturbing her time alone. It was a simple rule she had.

"I'm s-sorry, i j-just..."

Rose was taken back by how innocent that voice sounded. She hadn't expected it in the slightest. Having had this job for years, she always gets calls past working hours. Either drunk men who have taken on a bet or some thirsty man looking for money. Come to think of it, that little voice she heard sounded oddly familiar.

"Hello? Who's speaking?"

"Oh, i-its Addilyn." The voice spoke in almost a whisper.

Instantly Rose felt bad for using such a harsh tone on such a sweet thing. She doesn't know why she feels warmer towards the young girl, however she's very sure she knows what she's doing.


"Yep, f-from earlier. When you helped me!"

"No i know who you are. What are you doing calling so late? You should be asleep. You need lots of energy for tomorrow."

Even though rose had softened her tone, Addilyn still shyed away at how disappointed Rose sounded.

"Well i called because i wanted to tell you how thankful i am. He was a really scary man. But you helped me!" The girl across the phone let out a little squeal.

"Also, it's not even late, me and Milo just finished watching a film." She stated as a matter of fact.

"Oh really now, who's Milo? And which film did you watch?" Rose questioned with a small smirk creeping up her face.

"Milo is my bestfriend, he's the best. We both watched pri...uhm candyman!"

Addilyn didn't watch Candyman. She hated horror. If she ever watched a horror film, which she never did, she would always have nightmares about it. What she actually watched was far different. A beautiful Disney movie about a princess and a frog.

Many people love watching Disney movies. Addilyn was definitely one of them. However, she didn't want to openly admit that to Rose. Who by the way, is a very high in power business woman.
She is far too intimidating.

"You're watching a scary film at 11:30 at night?" Rose scoffed. She'd only known the girl a day and could already tell she wasn't big on horror.

"It's not scary, it's my favourite film actually!" Addilyn felt as though she had to be a little defensive about it. Though she worried if her tone held too much attitude.

"Interesting. Listen i would love to talk to you for longer but it's really late and you need sleep for tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?" The young girl questioned. Rose had already mentioned it twice.

"I would like to take you out for lunch."

"You would?" Addilyn said surprised. Rose, the pretty business woman. Wants to take her, the shy annoying lunch?

"Yes, you can chose. I'm not fussy. I'll pick you up at 12?" Rose tried to make it sound like it wasn't an option, but she was still hesitant just incase Addilyn felt too uncomfortable.

"O-okay, yeah. I will message you my address." She shyly spoke.

"Wonderful, i look forward to seeing you. Goodnight, Addilyn."

"Night Night."

There was a short pause before the line went dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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