Chapter Three

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After a very long walk down the stairs, they were now sitting at one of the cafeteria tables. There were very few people having lunch down here so Addylin just presumed they were all eating in their offices.

Rose had ordered the food. She got herself a greek salad and the girl a little bowl of carbonara, with a jug of water for them to share.

The older woman was a very neat eater. Occasionally she would pick up a napkin and wipe the corners of her mouth. Even if no food had found it's way to her face.

Addylin on the other hand, was definitely not a neat eater. With every mouthful she took, half the contents would be smeared on her cheeks. 

"Here have a napkin darling, you've got a little bit of sauce on your cheek." Rose chuckled, handing her the white cloth from across the table.

She quickly wiped her face and scrunched the tissue up to place by the side of her bowl. Another soft laugh made it's way out of the woman's mouth as immediately the small brunette dug into her food again.

"I hope you don't mind Addylin, i know you're still eating, but i really would like to know a little more about you." Rose said, putting her entire focus on the small girl in front of her.

Addylin thought for a moment before placing her fork delicately besides the white bowl. She readjusted herself in the chair and began to speak.

"What would you like to know?" Simple reply, but could lead to many important answers that rose was dying to find out.

"Just some basics, where you're from, favourite animal, any specific hobbies...anything you will let me hear really." Rose listed many options for Addylin, hoping it would be an easy start for her.

"Okay, i'm from London...but not here. I was just visiting. Umm, i really like dragons. I know they aren't real but i like them in films. And i really like to colour. I love any type of art but colouring is my favourite." The woman's face lit up on hearing how excited Addylin was when talking about herself.

"Sometimes i draw pictures to colour in but most of the time i colour in books. Although i haven't been able to do that in a while..." Her voice got lower as she finished the sentence, thinking back to all the horrible things he said.

"And why's that then, hm?" Rose enquired, curious as to why the girl stopped doing something it seems she deeply loved.

"No reason. Just haven't found the time."

Although rose could see the sadness behind her words. She didn't want to question further, risking any mood changes.

"Well how about i tell you some things about me now?" She said trying to lighten the mood. However Addylin looked like she was under a lot of pressure on having to think of questions.

"Don't worry yourself sweetheart, i'll just use the questions i asked you!" Rose could see from over the table how relaxed the little one now looked.

"Okay to start, i'm from Central London. Just a ten minute drive from here. One of my favourite animals are Snakes and i really enjoy colouring too, although much prefer reading. I'm a bit of a book worm!" Rose chuckled.

As she looked back at the little one in front of her, she could see how she was using both her small hands to gulp down the last of the water. She took a massive intake of air before joining in on the conversation.

Rose thought it was adorable.

"Really! I like books too. Oh! and i love the pictures that come in them." Addylin exclaimed as she found herself growing more comfortable with the older woman.

"I'm sure you do. I usually read ones without pictures though."

Addylin slouched in her seat upon hearing that news. Rose read grown up books. Not the stupid ones she reads.

"Don't pout darling. In fact, i'd love it if you could show me your books one day, i'm getting bored of mine." Rose said in hopes of cheering up the young girl. It definitely worked.

"And then you can show me yours too! And you can read them to me! We can have a reading date!" Addylin had never been happier hearing how someone wanted to see her picture books. It made her over bubble with joy.

"I would be more than happy to arrange that. But first, i need you to finish your pasta! I reckon there's about four more mouthfuls on that plate."

Rose watched how Addylin picked up her fork and tried her hardest to gobble down the last of her food. She looked so excited to make the plans.

Rose was in awe.

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