˚₊✩‧₊ [ 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ] i'll love you forever.

101 9 2

TW: blood, death.

the little girl took a seat next to her father, her face beaming with happiness.

her older brother sat to the other side of her father, darting over with his bambi shiny eyes in hopes of spotting his mom somewhere.

"papa! what does it say there?" the little girl asked her father, pointing to a huge screen that displayed scores and athletes that would come next.

hyunwoo looked at his daughter with kind eyes, proceeding to explain to her what the screen in front of them said. chaeyoung squealing in excitement when her dad mentioned the 2nd place holder, her mom.

"when is it her turn to go again? does that huge screen also say when she's coming out again?" she asked, her excitement growing even more.

the dad laughed in awe at impatient his younger daughter was, reminding him of the woman he loved and was currently waiting to see perform on the ice.

after some minutes, a speaker announces the next athlete. "lee chaewon, the senior category"

the little girl and her brother scream loudly at the sound of their mother's name, cheering for her.

the lights go out for a moment, then a spotlight is set on a woman dressed in a long-sleeve white dress that reaches her thighs and hugs her figure.

she bows to the public, and to the stern-looking face judges in front of her. she takes position, and waits for the music to start.

a soft melody is heard through the speakers, and she begins to move slowly following the rhythm.

she continues to follow the routine she had practiced day and night.

the black-haired woman glided through the ice as if her life depended on it, as if the gods themselves had asked her personally to dance and to prove that she was well at it. as if that's the only thing she would ever do, travel on ice with a thin metal strapped safely to her feet.

she felt like she was flying. she no longer had a thousand eyes on her and judges examining her every move, it was her flying through the sky. it was just her, the ice and her skates, nothing else.

the little girl on the stands stared at her mom in awe, her eyes had become literal hearts. holding her dad's hand, squeezing it with all her might.

the woman on ice propelled herself to a tripe lutz, losing control when she's set to land. her left foot slipping, sending her to the floor, hitting her head.

she gasps, but doesn't let her shock show and immediately recovers herself, standing up and finishing her set.

the lee family on the stand widens their eyes. the little boy's bambi eyes filled with tears, worried for his mom, very aware of how concerned his mom might be thinking of her current 2nd place.

as soon as her set finishes, she bows to the public and to the judges, smiling as she does so. she quickly steps out of the rink, holding the back of her head as the pressure she felt intensified.

hyunwoo quickly leaves the stands, grabbing his kid's hand on each hand, rushing to get to his wife. across to room to them, the woman's trainers are quick to take the almost fainting woman to her dressing room, calling 911 on the way.

while the dad and his 2 kids run through the hallways, rushing past everyone. as soon as they arrive, the dad knees down to the level of his kids, trying to put on a tough face for them. he knows something's wrong and refuses to let his kids witness it."i'll go check on mommy, alright? she might need me right now. stay here, don't leave each other alone" he says, kissing each cheek.

he enters the room to find his wife lying on a couch, blinking slowly with a pale face. a small pool of blood coming out of her head.

the manager panicked to her side, her assistant grabbing her head with a handkerchief and shaking hands. "mrs lee please stay with me. the paramedics are on their way" she cries.

hyunwoo pushes his heavy chest away and is quick to kneel beside his wife, determined to make her stay awake.

"chaewon, i'm here. you're okay" he says, grabbing her hands in the process. she turns her head slightly, "i was asking for you" she croaked, her resemblance changing suddenly. "where are the kids? please don't let them see me like this.."

hyunwoo is quick to speak, "they're outside, don't worry" he reassures her, his voice starts shaking. "keep your eyes open please, keep them open" his voice shakes.

chaewon gives him a weak smile. "my love.." she starts. "no! don't say whatever you're going to say, stop" he is quick to stop her mid-sentence.

she feels her head getting heavier, "i feel like telling you to look after chaeyoung and heeseung really well, but i know you'll do it without a doubt" she caresses his face. "you're the greatest dad ever, you know that love?" she weakly says.

"and you're the greatest mother. and you will keep being the greatest mother, so keep your eyes open please" he says followed by a sob.

the managers behind them keep crying, pacing around while waiting for the paramedics to arrive. chaewon feels as if she's slipping away even more, she knows she won't make it.

"hyunwoo, i love you, okay? you, chaeyoung and heeseung own my heart. it was the thought of you 3 that kept me skating and competing, you kept my love for figure skating alive" she says weakly, tears streaming down her face.

hyunwoo sobs to her side, holding her head as if she's a fragile doll that is about to break. "you saved me. it's as if you were an angel sent by the gods themselves, an angel sent just for me" she expressed, referring to the way his love had saved her from the cold hands of depression 26 years prior.

he keeps sobbing, "i love you so much more" all he is able to say to her. "don't cry my love, alright? tell heeseung to never stop smiling the way he does, and to never stop playing football, he's very talented and has the charm, my beautiful little boy" she says, feeling herself slip away even more. "tell chaeyoung i'm forever proud of her. tell her that mommy will always be proud of her little star" hyunwoo nods frantically at her wishes.

"hyunwoo you made me so happy. you gave me the most beautiful kids in the world and showed me what true love looked like. i love you my angel" she lets out weakly, he approaches her and places a soft kiss on her lips.

when he pulls away, she looks at him until he feels the grip he had on her hand loosening, her hands falling to her sides, her eyes closed. he sobs even louder, followed by a pained scream. forgetting that his children are outside and that they might hear him.

in a matter of 5 seconds, the paramedics break into the room, taking the woman he loved from his arms. leaving him on the floor, with a hand on his chest, sobbing loudly.

and from that moment on, he made a vow to himself to be a backbone to his kids, to be their anchor, and to do as chaewon wished before closing her eyes.


this was so sad to write bye

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