Survival of the Fittest

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Rushing through the woods with Bellamy and Lincoln, you jumped down the hill, using trees as a way to support yourself.

Lincoln had agreed to be a guide, a way into the Mountain.

You had just speared a buck which now lay dead on the ground as you crouched beside it, taking your weapon out.

Lincoln crouched across from you and pulled out his knife as Bellamy scanned the trees, now dressed like a Grounder.

"Hurry it up, Lincoln. Don't have all day." You demand, shoving his shoulder.

The man said nothing as he began to cut into the deer's gut, its innards spilling out onto the dirty ground below.

The disgusted man soon reached into the animals remains, gathering blood on his hands and smearing it onto his face as you and the Sky Boy watched.

"Ok." Bellamy said, crouching beside you. Immediately after he had settled at your side, you stood and grabbed your spear, glaring at him.
He rolled his eyes but continued.
"So we make it to the intake door without any of the real Reapers seeing us. What happens then?"

"I kill everyone and you two slip inside." Lincoln replies. "Theo. Limestone."

You reach into your pocket, tossing him the item he had requested. After dipping his fingers into the small container of the substance, he began to make markings on his face and neck.

He truly looked like a Reaper again.

"Let's go." He said, standing. "We have a lot of ground to cover before dark."

You yanked your spear out of the dirt, beginning to climb up the hill. Then, the Sky Boy began speaking again.

"I needed to know what happened after the intake door." Bellamy said

"They remove your clothes, blast you with boiling water, and douse you with something that burns even worse. From there, we were sorted. The others were tagged Harvest. I was tagged Cerberus, turned into a Reaper." Lincoln explained with little detail.

"Cerberus. Three-headed dog that guards the underworld." Bellamy said, earning strange looks from you and Lincoln. "My mom read mythology to us all the time."

"What is that?" You ask

"Mythology? It's made up stories. For example, your gods, Odin, Thor, Loki, Njord, Freya, they're all a part of Norse Mythology." Bellamy said

"So you are implying that our gods do not exist?" You ask, slowly growing angry.

"Well, yeah, I guess." He shrugged.

"You insult my family?" You ask

"No, I don't. What makes you think-?"

"On Odin's lost eye, one of these days, I will cut out your heart, Sky Boy. Insulting my family and my beliefs. How dare you?" You hiss, storming ahead as Lincoln watched with a snicker.

"What's her deal?" Bellamy asked in annoyance

"Bellamy, her family is said to be descended from Loki himself. The God of Mischief could only produce a family so cruel and ruthless." Lincoln said. "You just told someone who bases their whole world off the Will of the Gods that they are just stories. It is the only thing she really believes in anymore. Perhaps best not to break that for her."


Taking a break to prepare the binds, Lincoln crouched by the bushes with a large stick. Bellamy stood near the edge of a large and steep hill, looking up at the Mountain that you were soon to be going into.

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