Betrayal - 11/12/1993

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––––––––––AT NED'S––––––––––


Gavin and Bryan waiting for Ned

Gavin knocks door

BRYAN: Where is he?

GAVIN: I don't know

GAVIN: We're gonna miss the bus

Gavin gets phone out


GAVIN: We're gonna go now                                                                                                                             08:12AM

GAVIN: 👋                                                                                                                                                                 08:12AM


GAVIN: We should go

GAVIN: We don't want to be late


––––––––––AT SCHOOL––––––––––

Gavin checks phone

Gavin puts phone away

BRYAN: What did he say?

GAVIN: He hasn't replied to any of my texts

GAVIN: Come on, let's go to class

Gavin and Bryan walks off

Bryan spots Ned

BRYAN: He's over there

GAVIN: Yo, Ned!

Ned doesn't hear him

Ned talks to a gang of bullies

Ned and bullies laugh at something

Gavin and Bryan walks up to him

GAVIN: Hey bro!

BULLY: Um, you know these people?

Ned hesitates

NED: No, I don't

GAVIN: Wait what

GAVIN: What do you mean?

BRYAN: Yeah?

Bullies turn to Ned

NED: Honestly!

NED: I don't know them!

BULLY: Why are they here then?

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