Month Five

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We got a gurney full of the containers of cookies and wheeled them up to the oncology unit. They smelled so amazing, I could hardly resist. A nurse helped us set up a table, and we Kate's out a dozen or so cookies on small paper plates.

Kids and adults came up for a cookie in exchange for a few dollars. Grandmothers and uncles and brothers and sisters all came to support. At the end of one hour, we made a total of $216. It was incredible! Over four hundred people from all the floor units came!

After the one afternoon the sign that read Charity To Cancer was hanging limp off to the side. We only sold a little over half of the cakes. So the following weekend, my father and my mother and I set it up again and recognized the familiar faces. Even Don and Frances came, Lani's parents.

Later that week we would find out that we got on the cover of the news:
Sixteen Year Old Cancer Patient Raises Over $600 Towards Cancer Charity.

The rest of the week was a blur. My grandmother and parents were ecstatic about the whole thing.

"That was such a sweet thing you did for those children," My grandmother would say.

"Just think of all the people you've inspired," says my mother.

"Your college applications will look fantastic!" My dad would say.

Yeah, because the kids are cured. Because those people care about some unknown dying teen will terminal cancer. Because I'll be able to apply to college.

AUTHOR: I have some sad plans for the upcoming chapters, so be prepared ):
Thanks so much for all the votes and comments and reads! You guys are turkey amazing! I was going to end this book awhile back but you've guys have encouraged me to keep up the works. Keep enjoying! (:

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