Chapter 3 Titty vs Arianna

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As tiddy slapped arianna in the face she gasped as tiddy ran away into the hallway. She dashed down the the halls after him. She was reading to beat his uncooked salmon pink booty. Then tiddy ran at Belmin and ate his sausage from his pocket. Then he stood up and said "u wanna fight square up" he said to arianna as she ran into he hall then arianna ran at him and punched him in the face then tiddy karate chopped her legs and bit her ankles as she fell in pain "YOU POOPIE TIDDY GET BACK HERE!" then tiddy ran under a bed and hide in a pile of stuffed animals (rayyan was hiding to give to djuli) as arianna ran after him limping in pain from her broken legs. Meanwhile in the bathroom djuli and rayyan were chilling hiding from tiddy. "R-rayyan I think I've made up my mind... I think I like you over belmin." Rayyans heart skipped a beat, he felt like his heart had just jumped like a cow jumping over the Chesse moon. "I love you to Djuli" he said as the kissed. Meanwhile arianna found tiddy and he jumped out of the and pulled her hair out and then pulled out an AK47 out of his butt and nerf darts shot from his gun at arianna. This was CRAZY!!! Then he ran into djuli and rayyan kissing in the bathroom he jumped on there heads and hid inside the toilet when arianna burst into the bathroom covered in bruises, bites and nerf darts #survivor. Djuli and rayyan raced out of the bathroom holding hands when thé ran Into someone... BELMIN he escaped the police. Behind him was the FBI trying to find him. Back in the bathroom arianna found tiddy in the toilet and she bent down to grab him and beat his pink rotisserie chicken booty. But he sat on her leg so she couldn't get up to go to the bathroom!!!! Then suddenly the FBI turn the day into night so that they could catch belimn but the didn't realize tiddy was actually a werewolf and it was a full moon that night... and then back with djuli and rayyan Belmin started twitching and suddenly his hand turned into a claw oh no!!! This is getting crazy with so many questions to be answered... is Belmin a werewolf too? What will happen to arianna? Are djuli and rayyan gonna make it out alive? Will the FBI be able to catch Belmin or will Belmin end up winning over djuli....?!!?!?!

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