Chapter 3:Depression

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Warning:This chapter includes many angst

(Dipper's Pov)
After 5 minutes of Bill holding me bridal style we finally stopped in front of a door that was decorated with black,yellow and had Bill's symbol.Of course it had it.That guy is obsessed with his own self.

"You know I can read your thoughts right?"Bill said as he was opening the door with magic and I was red because of embarrassment.When we started walking to the room I noticed that the room was pretty spacious.It had a desk that above it there was a shelf filled with books,a king size bed,a balcony and of course there was a carpet that had Bill's sympol.

"So Pinetree this is gonna be our room."Bill whispered in my ear and when I heard that my face became pale of fear but soon I was full of rage and anger.

"NO!!!!I'M NOT GONNA SHARE A ROOM WITH SOMEONE THAT TRIED TO TOUCH ME!!!!"I shouted and Bill was just staring at me with a smile and after a while he started laughing but it wasn't that maniacal laugher that I knew.It was a cute one.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!You think that I'm that kind of a perv.Now that's hilarious-HAHAHAHAHA!!"Bill said as he was laughing and suddenly he threw me in the bed and he was on top me.

"Oh Pinetree I really wanna take that innocence from you but as much as I want to,I can't because I want you to want it."He said as he kissed my forehead.

"But anyways you should take some sleep because in a few hours all my henchmaniacs and I are gonna celebrate that I found my queen.So in the meantime I'm gonna torture some humans."He said and I thought to myself that of course he would.

"Don't forget that I can read your mind pinetree."He said and I turned red because of my continuing embarrassment

"Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!"He said before he disappeared.

After he left I was kinda relieved.I couldn't handle this hell.I missed my family,my friends but most of all I missed my sister.She was my other half and I couldn't survive without her.After I was thinking all the horrible things that Bill and his henchmaniacs could do to them I started crying while I was hugging my knees, laying down on the bed and blaming myself for being a fool.Everything could have been prevented from this horrible nightmare if I wasn't an idiot.WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!? MAKING A DEAL WITH A CRAZY DREAM DEMON ONLY TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE THAT I CARE THE MOST AND WAS EVERYTHING WORTH IT?
After I spilled many tears I was starting to get tired and everything just went black.

(No one's Pov)
Meanwhile in the Mystery Shark everyone was worried about Mabel.It's been hours since she came out of her room so grunkle Stan decided to go and try to comfort her.When he reached Mabel and Dipper's bedroom door he knocked at least 3 times.

"Hey kiddo can I come in?"Grunkle Stan asked Mabel.

"No...Go away."Mabel said while she was crying but it was too late because Grunkle Stan already let himself in.

"Well...Too late."Grunkle Stan said while he was smiling but he quickly walked and sat down at Mabel's bed.

"You wanna talk about what's bugging you kid?"Grunkle Stan asked and to his suprise Mabel quickly hugged him and started crying and Grunkle Stan hugged her back.

"I'm a horrible sister.Dipper has done so much for me...f-f-for us and we've been selfish.He sacrificed his own life to protect us and I haven't had the chance to tell him thank you for everything he has done for me."Mabel said while she was crying and Grunkle Stan felt bad for her and for Dipper because she was right.Dipper has done many things for them including the fact that he sacrifised his own life for them.

"You're right.Dipper sacrifised many things for us but we'll find a way to save him for this monster."Grunkle Stan said while Mabel was confused, I mean how would they save him?

"But how?Mabel asked.

"Well I think I have an idea."Ford said as he was standing in front of the door and Mabel was suprised.

"If we somehow break the deal that Dipper and Bill made then Dipper will be free, we can kill Bill and Gravity Falls will be saved from this apocalypse.

"But how we will get close to his castle?"Mabel asked and Ford patted her head with a smile.

"I have an idea for that too."Grunkle Ford said.

Meanwhile with Bill

(Bill's Pov)
When I went outside to torture some humans I decided that first I had to find some deer teeth for pinetree.Likely it wasn't too hard to find a deer so with magic I removed its teeth and placed them in a bouquet that had also some roses(He collected them before the deer teeth).After that I found some meatsacks and I killed them one by one and some others I just supply made them do a deal with me so they could work for me and to have new toys to play with(By that I mean that Bill can scare them,torture them even kill them and etc.)After that I teleported them into my castle and I decided that it was time to check on my pinetree.When I teleported to my bedroom I saw my pinetree sleeping on our bed so peacefull and when I got closer to cover him up with the mattresses of the bed I noticed that his eyes were puffy, the pillow that he was holding was wet and also the pillow that he was sleeping was wet.Was my pinetree crying before?

"Don't worry pinetree, you'll gonna have a lot of fun tonight....I promise."I whispered as I was covering him up with the mattresses of the bed and before I went out of the room I gave him a kiss to his forehead and let him sleep more.

Hey everyone.Sorry that it took me a while to finish that chapter.The reason is because I had my exams so I had to study.But anyways I hope that you enjoyed it.Byeeeeee~


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