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"Just take a seat. I'll order for us," Jisung offered. He took his lovers wallet and stuck out his tongue before skipping toward the girl at the register of Felix's bakery.
"She's new. I hate when he gets new employees," grumbled out Minho.
Changbin rolled his eyes and let himself examine the small shop. It had pastel pink walls and a barista bar, as well as some casing to show off desserts. There were a few tables; some booths. It was cute. It was definitely Felix like.
"Yah! Uncle Jisung!" A young boy yelled. He booked it through the store and leaped onto the back of Minho's partner. "You never brought the game like you promised!"
"Liam get off of him! Can't you give me a break for a second?" a deep voice scolded. Changbin turned, eyes meeting with an out of breath baker. Felix.
"Calm down, I brought it today," Jisung laughed. "It's with Minho."
The boy immediately detached from Jisung and whipped around to look at the man with his game. "I'm not giving it to you until you sit your ass down and behave," Minho said.
Liam sighed and walked over, pulling out a chair next to Changbin and taking his seat. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a lollipop, unwrapping it as Minho took out the game. The kid brightened up and snatched it.
"Took you long enough," he said.
"Guys, what did I do wrong? I didn't spoil him," Felix whined.
"You spoiled him," Jisung disagreed.
Changbin watched as Felix gave his employee a smile, then took the seat on the opposite side of him. Changbin just stared at the kid as he looked at his new console game. Liam moved his eyes away from it after a while and shared Changbin's gaze. "Who's this geezer?"
Changbin sighed with a deadpanned expression. "You're already a brat," he muttered.
"And you look like a pig, what of it?" Liam argued.
Minho snorted and stuck out his fist for the boy. "Don't encourage that behavior, Minho," Felix groaned out.
"Great. Can I go play my game, dad?"
Changbin's brows shot up. Dad? Felix was supposed to be single he thought. "Do your homework first. If I come up there and you aren't, I'm taking your console for a week."
The boy rolled his eyes and excused himself from the table. A loud thunk sounded out once Liam was gone. Felix had let his head drop onto the table. "At least he's not crying today," Jisung said. He was trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
"You have a kid?" Changbin asked.
Felix looked up with a tired smile. "He's my sisters son. She passed away in a car accident with her husband when he was just a baby. My parents watched over him until I was twenty-one. I took him in after that." Changbin hummed. So it hadn't been because of a divorce or anything like that. "I have to make sure he's actually doing his work. I'll be back with your drinks in a minute," Felix told them, pushing himself up from his seat.
True to his words, he returned a few minutes later with drinks.
"How's school going with him? He's twelve now. That's when the cliques start forming," Minho brought up.
Felix shrugged. "Like he'll talk to me about that. All he cares about is video games, guns, and cool cars."
Changbin sipped his drink with his eyes cast toward the back of the shop. He knew all too well what it was like growing up without two parents. His mother had raised him on her own after his dad left. She eventually got remarried when he got into high school, but the years before that were tedious. He could only imagine how hard it was for the boy. Both his parents had passed on. It must have felt unfair.
Unlike Changbin's father, Liam's parents had no choice in staying in his life. It was a sad thought.
Changbin moved his gaze to Felix, who was happily chatting with Minho and Jisung. It must have been hard. He wondered how lonely Felix was. Raising a child took a lot out of someone. It was no surprise now why Felix's freckles had faded. All the stress could take away anything. Except probably the man's good looks. Felix would take his beauty to the grave.
When Felix left to check on Liam a while later, Minho and Jisung escaped out the front door, making up the excuse that they needed to go.
The baker shared a confused glance with Changbin the moment he stepped back into the bakery. "They said they had to leave," Changbin explained.
Felix rolled his eyes. "Of course they did. Did you want anything else? I have a batch of brownies."
Why did he smile like that? He was obviously tired. "No, it's fine. I should go too," he whispered.
"Before you go," Felix paused. He held up his hand and scowled. "Stay. I'll be right back."
Changbin did as asked, watching as Felix scampered into his kitchen. He came out a moment later with a small box.
"Didn't I just say-"
"It's a thank you. For the other day. I left abruptly. It was probably embarrassing. Just take it. Please?"
Changbin stared at the small box. He eventually gave in and took it into his hands. "I'm used to delivering messages to others."
"Still," Felix muttered. His hand moved to the back of his neck, eyes moving to his feet.
"Thanks, I guess." Changbin stood. Felix just smiled and thanked him for coming. When Changbin got home, he opened the box. Inside was a brownie and a piece of paper. The ex-soldier unfolded it and read its contents.

𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 & 𝗱𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 🌸 ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now