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If there was one thing Lee Felix had never once regretted, it was raising Liam. Yes, it had been early for someone to start taking care of another life. Yes, it had been extremely difficult. But even so, he never regretted it. He was proud of Liam for growing into such an amazing person. The constant battling through out the teenage years, and the screaming at night time as a baby, it had all been worth it.
The only other thing Felix was proud of enough to even sit on the same list as watching Liam grow up was whom he would spend the rest of his life with. He never once thought he'd made a mistake with Seo Changbin. There were so many reasons why Changbin was the love of his life. He treated Liam like his own son, he loved Felix from eighteen to thirty-six; the list went on and on. Felix was proud of himself for allowing Changbin to change his life.
The world wasn't perfect by any means. He had been through things to know just how scary people could be. How terrifying a situation could be. Felix was oddly okay with continuing down the dirt road. He knew as long as he had those he loved more than life, those dirt paths would upgrade themselves to gravel. The gravel would merge together after dissolving from the heat and create concrete. And when the concrete would freeze over and break, Felix would know it was time to leave. He wasn't going anywhere for some time, however. He still had many decades to spend with his loved ones. He had grandchildren to meet. He was excited for the rest of his life.
"Can't believe he's graduating," a familiar voice mumbled. It was Jisung. Felix laughed at his sudden appearance and shared a side hug with the man. Felix too was stunned beyond belief that his son was graduating.
"Feels like yesterday he was three years old, right?" Felix said. Minho walked up with two bouquet's of flowers. Felix raised a brow. "You giving Liam two? I think he would prefer a video game."
Minho rolled his eyes with a smile. "As much as that spoiled brat deserves all the flowers in the world, one of these is for his father," he told the baker.
Jisung snatched the bouquet wrapped in yellow and handed it to Felix, sending a quick glare to his lover. "We wanted to get you something to show how proud of you we are. You made it through a lot, you know?"
Felix accepted the flowers with teary eyes. "I'm not supposed to cry yet," he whispered.
"I have a feeling you'll cry way too much today," Minho replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
Felix couldn't argue with that statement. It was the day Liam graduated. The ceremony was outside the private highschool Liam had attended for several years thanks to Changbin's parents' help. There were chairs scattered around the front lawn for all the guests attending.
"Where's Changbin?" Jisung asked out of nowhere.
"He made me promise I would stay for Liam's graduation before going to pick him up," Felix informed. "Though, he should've already known there was no way in hell I would be skipping Liam's graduation."
Minho snickered in response. "Is that so?"
Felix rolled his eyes at Minho as the ceremony began. They took their seats. All the chairs were taken. Well, almost all. There were a few seats here and there that were empty. Like the one besides Felix. It was reserved for Changbin. Changbin hadn't been able to escape hell soon enough to actually join him though.
After the events of the Hyacinth Serial Killer, Changbin had tracked him down in secret. He'd died that day. Not Changbin but the murderer. Changbin had shot him in the stomach and left a gun wound to his head. It was a nasty sight. Changbin had told Felix he really thought he was going to die. That the killer, who's name he still refused to utter, had made a mistake when making the bombs. Deep down Felix knew Changbin was lying. There was no mistake. The killer hadn't set off all the bombs on purpose. For whatever reason.
Changbin told the authorities he had shot him so he wouldn't have to suffer. The court wouldn't completely accept it as self defense since there were two wounds and the story Changbin had given sounded a lot like revenge. That resulted in Changbin living out six years in prison a few cities away. He was being released the same day of Liam's graduation. While Felix adored Changbin to death and wanted nothing more than to cover his face in kisses, he wouldn't ever miss an important part of Liam's life. Not for anyone.
The music to start the graduation off played. It was boring watching all the kids come up and shake the hand of their principle. Felix remembered the day he graduated. He was horrified. His parents were nothing but worried about him the whole time. All because of that stupid ex of his. He grew nauseous just thinking about the guy. Luckily, Liam came out just in time to save his dad from an episode of anxiety. Jisung nudged Felix with a giggle.
He was definitely going to start crying any second.
When Liam turned to examine the crowd, he froze. He was looking at something. Liam quickly accepted the diploma and hurried off the stage. Some of the teachers tried to stop Liam from running toward the crowd, but Felix caught onto the words that left his mouth thanks to a mic that picked it up.
"I'm sorry, my dads here. I haven't seen him in six years."
Felix whipped around to look behind him. There, standing in jeans and a white button up with a pair of black aviators, was none other than Seo Changbin. Felix stared in disbelief. There was no way Changbin was standing there. He turned to Minho and Jisung, eyes wide.
"He called us to pick him up," Minho whispered.
Felix shot up from his seat a second later. Thankfully they had chosen to sit at the very back. Maybe the couple had planned that too. Felix didn't care. It had been six years since he had been able to hold Changbin. He watched as Liam tackled the ex-convict in a hug. Changbin simply accepted it, wrapping his hand around Liam's neck and kissing the side of his head. Felix knew he was crying. How could he not cry?
Unlike Liam, he didn't run toward Changbin. He walked slowly. He couldn't believe it was real. When he was close enough, he extended his arms out and grabbed Changbin's face with his hands just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He looked him over before completely breaking down. Both Lee's were crying. Changbin couldn't help but chuckle. His voice was scratchy—he was trying not to cry as well-but he laughed. He laughed and wrapped his other arm around Felix to bring him closer.
Liam had his face buried into the left side of Changbin's neck, while Felix had his buried into the right. Changbin laid his head against Liam's and patted his back. "You're technically an adult in international age. You sure you should be showing everyone what you look like crying, kid? I thought the saying was, 'enough to make a grown man cry,' or something like that. Is my presence that worthy?"
Liam pulled away and wiped his face. "You stupid old man!"
Changbin couldn't stop smiling. He watched as Liam turned to Minho and started accusing him of keeping it a secret. Jisung watched with a somewhat guilty expression. It had been his plan. Minho took the blame though and shrugged, locking the teen in a headlock. Since his other arm was free, Changbin brought his hand to Felix's hair and brushed it back gently.
"Haven't you cried enough over the years? How the hell do you still have tears?" he whispered.
Felix let out a choked laugh and smacked his partners chest. Changbin leaned his head against Felix's, thumb moving down to rub the baker's ear. He then found the man's neck and massaged it for a few minutes to try and calm him down. Once Felix's crying slowed, Changbin wrapped both his arms around him.
Felix leaned back and took Changbin's glasses off, exposing the man's own tears that were flooding down his face. Six years. Six years for a moment like the one they were sharing. "I thought you weren't able to come," Felix whispered.
"Like I'd miss my sons graduation," Changbin retorted. "Plus, I had you waiting. You think I'd sit still after being away from you for six years?"
Felix wiped Changbin's face with his thumbs. "You waited six years to see me six years ago," he reminded.
Changbin hummed. "And even after being dismissed from the military, I met you at the bar, didn't I? History repeats itself, Lee. I'll always come back to you."
Felix wrinkled his nose. "And I'll always wait. But you got something wrong, honey." Changbin raised a brow as Felix pulled out his wallet. "I'm not just a Lee. I'm a Seo," he whispered, flipping his wallet open and showing off his ID card.

Seo-Lee Felix.

Changbin's eyes widened. He grabbed the wallet and examined it closely. "We didn't get married, though. They wouldn't have let us," he stated.
Felix shrugged. "I just legally changed my last name. They can't refuse that request."
"When the hell did you do this?" Changbin asked in shock.
"Two years ago? Around the time Minho and Jisung got married in Taiwan. Why? Do you not like it?"
Changbin looked up from the wallet and into Felix's eyes. "I just fell in love with you for the fourth time."
"Just don't disappear for another six years. That would make it a fifth," Felix joked, leaning in for a kiss. Changbin cupped the man's cheek and returned the act of affection.
"My body will perish before my heart stops yearning for you."
"Still poetic I see. But what about after we die?"
"Blossoms on a dogwood tree bloom again, my love. If there's a second life, I'll find you. If there isn't, I'll build a house in the clouds. Well, if I don't go to hell," Changbin whispered into Felix's ear, bringing him into a tighter hug.
"Don't worry, If you don't make it up to heaven I'll file for court against the angels."
Changbin laughed and this time buried his face into Felix's neck. "You can't fight yourself, Felix."
"You know, I never did get the dogwood tree thing," Felix muttered.
"Dogwood tree's symbolize peace, strength, rebirth, love, protection, and healing. And you're all those things to me."
Felix tightened the hug and rested his head on Changbin's shoulder, lacing their fingers. How was he so lucky to find someone like Changbin? "And your white-ish, blonde hair reminded me of dogwoods."
Felix giggled. "Should I dye my hair back?"
Changbin shook his head. "I'll see your hair white while we grow old together."
"In that second life, maybe you found me and became a poet," Felix joked, pulling away and pressing his lips against Changbin's. The two smiled into the kiss, arms wrapped around each other with a strict refusal to let go. In another life, he didn't want anyone but Changbin. He was universal. He was his. He was obsessed. The good thing was, Changbin was just as obsessed with Felix, if not more. Felix was a puzzle piece lost in a pile of others, and Changbin was his match. He had found him, and if another life began, he would find him again. Over and over until even god was jealous of their love.

𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 & 𝗱𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 🌸 ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now