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Changbin tapped his fingers against a table in his mothers restaurant. There had only been one thing on his mind for the past few days. The message on the wall of Felix's bakery. It had been driving him insane. He hadn't told Felix about it. He had taken a picture while visiting the day after finding it, then covered it up with his own drawing he said was for Liam. Felix didn't need to know he was being targeted by a serial killer. It didn't make sense to Changbin why Felix would be a target. There was no reason to get revenge on someone like him. He lived peacefully with his nephew whom he'd adopted as his son.
He hadn't cheated on anyone, nor had he gotten married. None of the serial killers motives matched up with Felix. So why was he being targeted? Perhaps it wasn't Felix but one of his employees? He'd only seen women working there though. Maybe it was some cruel joke. Changbin hadn't heard anything about a prank like that running around the town. That worried him more. The worst part was he couldn't do anything. He had been kicked off the team. Maybe it was all in the man's head. It's not like he had been delivered flowers. Even if he had been, Felix wouldn't be the target but his past lover.
"What are you thinking about?"
Changbin looked up from the table and met eyes with his mother. "Felix," he said honestly.
"Should've known. When are you going to bring him over?" she asked while taking a seat.
Invite Felix to meet his mother and step father? "Isn't that a bit too soon?" he replied.
Mrs. Seo shrugged her shoulders. "Depends on how you think about it. You've been seeing each other for a little bit. But, you're almost thirty-one, and I've already met his child. It's not like you're seventeen and presenting your first boyfriend to me."
Changbin held himself back from deadpanning at his mother. "Mom, he is my first boyfriend," he reminded.
His mother waved her hand dismissively. "My point is, son, that you are old enough to know when things are serious. If you love him, bring him home. I want to meet him."
Changbin puffed his cheeks and looked to the side. Should he bring Felix to meet his mom? It wasn't the worst idea. Felix hadn't been around his parents in who knows how long. It's not like a baker could afford to ship his parents overseas. "I'll see," he uttered.
The rest of the day he helped his mother around the restaurant. Since she was getting older, she was able to do less and less. As her son, Changbin knew it only right to assist her. Even if he hadn't been her son, she was the one who raised him and he would pay back her love with twice the amount. He had too. He'd given her a heart attack five times a year just about. His mother was not in need of severe medical attention. Instead, Changbin liked to think of it as an emotional heart attack. The type that made you panic for a loved one.
Changbin guessed he was having his first set of those finally. All thanks to the message on the wall of Felix's bakery. He couldn't sit still no matter how hard he tried. His leg bounced and his fingers scratched at whatever they could find. He was a mess. Who wouldn't be if they had the strength to protect the one they loved? The only thing holding him back was the chief. There were two options for the ex-soldier. One: he could let go of the case completely and protect Felix by himself while trying not to over think it. Or two: he could get on his knees, forget about his pride, and beg the chief to take him back onto his team.
That's how Changbin ended up in the office of his previous boss. "Seo, I told you already, it's not happening."
Changbin tightened his hands and bowed deeply to the chief. "Sir, please give me this chance. I think I can offer a lot to this case. My family is in danger, I want to protect them. I want to protect all of the people living in this town."
The chief slammed his fist down. Changbin flinched. "See, you can't even take the noise of my hand smacking a counter. I get your frustration, I do, but you'll be a thorn in our side. You can't help the way you are."
"I found the killers message on the wall of my boyfriends bakery, sir. I need-"
"You need to stay out of the way of the investigation. If you're so worried about your boyfriend, stay by his side and cooperate with us. Send any evidence you find. That is how you can help. I don't want to hear anymore, Seo."
It was obvious to Changbin that he wouldn't get anywhere with the chief. He ended up leaving with no reward. His chest ached in frustration. How was he supposed to protect Felix without the right equipment? Further more, what could a traumatized man do to protect a suspected victim by himself. He shook his head. None of that mattered. He would protect Felix no matter what. It didn't matter if he had to do it alone or not.
He would find out all the information he needed. Then he would show the station and Felix would be safe. Changbin took a deep breath and pulled out his phone when it began to ring. It was Felix. He accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?"
"Changbin?" Felix's voice echoed through said man's ears. He instantly relaxed.
"Are you busy right now?"
Changbin glanced at the time. His mother was keeping the restaurant up by herself. "Not really. Why? What's up?"
Felix sighed in relief. "Could you do me a huge favor and pick Liam up from school? The bakery is really packed right now and I can't go get him."
"Yeah, I can pick him up, you know that's not a big deal, babe," Changbin said, tucking his phone between his shoulder and ear. "I have to help my mom out at her restaurant though. Should I bring him there and feed him while you work?"
"Would you? I'll come over once we finish up and greet your parents."
Changbin smiled as he fished his car keys out of his pocket. Felix was one step ahead of him. He didn't have time to ask if he wanted to meet his mom yet. "She actually brought that up today. She'll be excited. Don't worry too much about it. I'll make sure he does his homework too."
"God, you're amazing. I'll bring some deserts for your mom and dad. I love you. Thank you again," Felix said.
Changbin chuckled when the line disconnected. Felix truly was adorable. Well, now he had to find his way to Liam's school. He unlocked his car and pulled the door open, climbing inside and messaging Minho to ask which school he should find himself at. Minho gave him the usual sarcastic reply of, there's only one school idiot, and then left the ex-officer on read. Great friend, Changbin thought. When Changbin arrived at the school, he got out and waited out front for Liam.
The boy came out not much later than the rest of the children. Though, unlike the others, he wasn't smiling wide. His head hung low while he dragged his feet across the cement lanes. Changbin was going to call out to him, but stopped when he noticed familiar faces walking up behind him. They smacked his head as they passed, then turned around and began to mock him. Liam looked away with his fists clenched by his sides.
"I didn't know you had a kid," a feminine voice spoke.
Changbin turned to see his ex-coworker, Yoo Jeongyeon. "Not mine. My boyfriend has a son," he explained.
Jeongyeon smiled and looked around the swarm of children. "Oh, you've never met my son, have you?" Changbin shook his head in reply. The police woman called a name out loudly. One of the boys near Liam turned with a smile and ran toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Liam stood still and looked at his feet. Changbin pressed his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly, grabbing the child's attention. Liam directed his eyes to the man, a huge smile replacing his once large frown. He ran over and tackled Changbin. Changbin simply patted his head with a chuckle. "Your dads busy at the bakery so I'm going to take you to my moms, alright?" Liam nodded and buried his face deeper into the mans chest.
"Oh, right, you're dating Felix. I forgot," Jeongyeon said.
Changbin continued to stroke the boy's head as he looked to the woman. "Yeah, though, we never really talked about it with each other. I'm not surprised you forgot." Jeongyeon's son narrowed his eyes at Changbin, only for the man to shoot him a glare. "I wish I could say it was good to meet your son but I've already encountered him on a few occasions."
Jeongyeon raised a brow at this. "Oh, really?" she asked, her eyes moving to her son. "Something I should know?"
Her son shook under her gaze, arms crossing over his chest to defend himself from the attacks of the adults. "Liam's stupid and weird. Plus, I don't like his dad. And this weirdo threatened to put me in jail!" he told them.
Changbin scoffed at the kid. "People who hit others go to jail. You threatened a police officer, bud."
Jeongyeon started smacking her son lightly on the back. "You hit Liam? Are you kidding me? You're the son of a police officer. Do you have no shame?"
"Mom! How can you believe him over your own son?"
"He's my friend. Apologize to Liam right this instant!"
The two argued for a moment, leaving Changbin and Liam to watch awkwardly from the side. Eventually Jeongyeon's son bowed to Liam and said his apologies. Liam, being the sweet boy he was, accepted it. Jeongyeon once again apologized on her sons behalf before dragging him away by the ear. Liam and Changbin glanced at each other, no words left to describe what had just unfolded.
"Food?" Changbin asked. Liam raised his arms in response. Changbin sighed and picked the boy up, carrying him to the car and then buckling him in. "You are so spoiled," he remarked.
"And you're a simp. So what?" Liam retorted.
The ride back to the Seo restaurant was filled with nothing but bickering. Changbin was somewhat glad that Liam felt comfortable enough to talk back to him. It made their conversations that much more interesting.
"Grandma," Liam called when they entered the building.
"Ah there he is, Liam," Changbin's mother cooed, opening her arms for a hug. Changbin sat Liam's backpack down in a chair and unzipped it while she babied him.
"Mom, can you make us some food? I need to help Liam with his homework."
Liam rotated and frowned deeply. "No. Please. I'll do anything," he begged.
"Your father will get upset. I'll help you. We'll get it done quick. Then you can eat the whole damn fridge."
"Buy me a video game-"
"I'm not buying you a video game, Liam."
"Will you buy me a dog?"
Changbin tossed the textbooks onto the surface of the table. "You want a dog?"
Liam strolled over with slumped shoulders. "Yeah. My dad says we can't get one though cause of the bakery."
"Is that so..."

"So can I name it lucky?" Liam asked, cuddling the baby golden retriever in his arms.
Changbin began to question how in the loving god almighty did he become such a sucker for his boyfriend's kid. "Name it whatever you want," he told Liam.
"Can I name him star?"
"Liam, the dog is a girl," he sighed out.
The boy lifted the dog to check. "Oh. Okay then I'll name her Vanilla. Dad likes stuff like that."
"She's yellow. Wouldn't Lemon suit her better?"
"Name it whatever you want," Liam mocked the elder.
"I'm starting to regret this decision."
When the restaurant came into view, Liam jogged into the building with the puppy in his arms. "Grandma! Look what the grumpy teacher got me," he called. Changbin took a seat on one of the chairs and watched the two play with the dog. Felix was going to kill him. "I'm going to name her blossom."
Changbin pressed his hand against his cheek. "I like that one. Blossom is a cute name."
"Who are we naming blossom?" a deep voice asked.
Changbin's heart did a few summersaults. He was going to be in so much trouble. He needed to think of how to lessen the blow. He quickly stood up and grabbed the dog, turning around and walking up to Felix when he had a good hold on it. He used its paws to do cute little motions, then spoke in a high pitched voice. "I'm Blossom, hi dad."
Changbin looked over the dogs head to meet eyes with Felix's. He didn't look pleased. "Really?"
Changbin pouted and hugged the dog to his chest. "He wasn't going to do his homework unless I bought him something. It was this or a video game."
"A video game would've been a lot less expensive," Felix argued.
"But games are not as cute, and they don't snuggle you when you're sad. Plus, Liam said he never had a dog before. Every kid should have some kind of pet. I'll keep her with me and Liam can come visit her whenever he wants."
Felix looked from the dog to Changbin, and then to his son. He finally gave in with a sigh and took the dog into his arms. "You are such a horrible influence on me, you know that?" he whispered, rubbing the puppy's ears.
Changbin looked over his boyfriend while he petted the animal. "She kind of looks like high school you. Soft, blonde, and cute."
Liam ran up and grabbed the dog. Apparently she was his dog and the adults were hogging her. Felix didn't complain and let him take her away. "Then I guess you would've been a Doberman. Liam did do his homework, right?"
Changbin nodded. "He ate and finished his homework."
Felix hummed and placed a box down on the table with dishes on it. "At least you got him to do that," he muttered. "Where's your parents?"
"My step-dads away on a trip. My mom should come out any minute. Why? You nervous?"
Felix blinked a few times before shoving his finger into Changbin's stomach. "You're annoying. Buying dogs and sucking up to me with high school memories."
Changbin grabbed Felix's hand and smiled. "Yes, I'm in the wrong. I'm sorry. Don't be mad," he joked. Felix rolled his eyes.
"Oh, he's already here? I thought he would've taken longer," Changbin's mom said as she exited the kitchen. Felix bowed to the lady, only for her to wrap him in a gentle hug. "It's so great to finally meet you."
Changbin tuned out his mothers emotional words and watched Liam play with the dog. It reminded him of the time he had a pet. His had been a tan and white corgi, but to each his own. Hopefully the dog would make him happier. They could even train her to do tricks and protect. That could be helpful against any attackers. Though, that would have to wait about a year. He didn't know if he had that kind of time.
When he felt arms wrap around his waist, he was pulled back into the conversation between his mother and boyfriend. "He's taken really good care of us so far."
"As much as I love the heart wrenching romance that is meeting my parents, can we skip the sappy stuff. I think Liam might kill that dog if he doesn't give her a break-"

𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 & 𝗱𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 🌸 ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now