Fred Weasley x Nerd Ravenclaw Reader

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Dedicated to: @tjhqgh
Normal POV
Fred wasn't even sure how he'd fallen for her. She was a nerd, fangirl, and bookworm. She wasn't even in his house. She was quiet, but always laughed at Fred and George's pranks. He had only heard her talk once, when Professor Snape called on her to answer a question. They were exact opposites. But sometimes, opposites attract.
But he loved it this one time when Malfoy tried to pick on her. She was walking through the halls to her next class, reading as she walked.
"Ello, Mudblo-"
"Not now, Malfoy, I'm trying to read!"she exclaimed cutting him off.
Fred bursted out laughing and she caught his eye and grinned at him, before looking back down into her book, blushing.
He had walked up to her before they got to class.
"Um, hello!"he said.
She smiled up at him.
"Hello Fred!" She said, looking up from her book. He'd guessed that she had never really looked at him before, because now she was staring at him, looking him up and down.
"I take it you like what you see?" He said to her.
"Uuuhhhhh, yeah, kinda." She stuttered out, blushing madly.
In Potions class, he caught her staring at him again. He grinned at her again.

Apparently Malfoy had had enough of y/n's book business, because when they were both walking to the same class on opposite sides of the hall, Malfoy caught her. He took the book out of her hands and ripped the spine in half, leaving it in shreds all over the hall. She started sobbing on the ground.
"Hey Malfoy, if your so interested in a girl, you should probably just ask her out!" Fred shouted at him. George had only one class with him, Ana that was his 7th. Malfoy scowled and walked away. George used his wand to collect all of the pages and bind them all up together. She looked at him, shocked.

"How did you do that, George?" She asked.
"Oh, just an incredibly complicatedly complex spell me mum taught me." He replied. She slightly giggled and hugged him.
"Thank you." She whispered. Without even thinking, he leaned down and kissed her. She seemed surprised, but quickly got over it. Her arms weaved around his neck and his hands around her waist. They walked to class hand in hand.

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