19 Years Later

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Well, this is it. The end. Finally, the epilogue of the best series of our generation has ended. All time after this is no longer canon in the series. By this time, Albus and James have boarded the Hogwats Express and gone on a new journey, just like Harry. And this is where it all stops.

After today, we will still carry on, a part of J.K Rowling's writing always still with us; the joy of the Quiddich matches and the homey feeling of the Great Hall feasts. We will always be able to feel the wind rushing through our hair as we ride over the lake on a hippogriff and the cozy warmth of the common room fire.  Her writing has made us invincable to any obstacle real life has ever thrown at us because we can pick up a Harry Potter book and soon be wisked away into a world of magic and adventure. But, even though we didn't get our letters and are still waiting, we've still felt Harry's nervousness waiting for which house he would be sorted into and we have felt the spirit of Hogwarts along with it.

So don't ever forget, even after, that Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.

All was well.

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