Part 2/? - Hellfire upon the Heavens.

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As the trio look upon their attackers, they see 3 Primarchs, normal in armor, chaos hasn't changed them into Daemonic parodies. Alpharius, Curze and Horus. 3 men dead in times of old. Alpharius to Dorn and his sword's gnawing teeth upon Pluto, Curze in an Officio Assassinorum attack and Horus to the Emperor's own hand, millenia ago.

"You are dead! You have been for millenia!" Magnus belts out. "How can it be Brother, you have returned?" Omegon replies, hoping for his brother to reconvene in the Emperor's light. "Son." The only reply the Emperor can muster, both out of weakness and fury, his face turning to extreme hatred.

The Emperor prepares to erase Horus' soul again from existence when he feels the Godblight clinging to his mind, unable to muster the strength to destroy him. He charges at Horus but feels the Worldbreaker slam into his back, striking flesh thanks to Angron's previous attack. He falls down, not dead yet drawing near.

Magnus attempts to attack Horus with his mind but Alpharius swoops in, using a small phase blade to pierce Magnus' side. He immediately turns and blasts Alpharius back, Omegon cries out for Alpharius. 

Omegon turns to Magnus, nearly attacking him before Curze jumps in his way. He pulls out a bolter from his hip before letting bolts fly. His helmet and armor suffer dents and he is pushed back but he stands. He dives in, slashing but misses, allowing Omegon to grab his arm and slam his elbow into his knee, breaking it. He falls down, before Omegon removes his helmet and blows it open with a bolter.

On the Daemonic front, the Daemons are being cleansed by the Marines' fire. But their numbers are falling. The Marines are cut down by the excessive numbers of plaguewalkers, berserkers and daemonettes.  Tzeentch still, in his ever knowing and ever changing nature, forsees a loss. But he has one more card to play.

Horus grabs Magnus, who again attempts a psychic attack. He breaks his back over his knee and is about to toss him aside when he sees a warpstorm overhead. A golden figure falls down. One of beauty and artistry. The closest comparison a mere mortal could use, would be an Angel.

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