Part 6 - The War for the Webway.

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The Custodes all line up in defensive formations upon the Webway wall. As Chaos marches ahead, their bolters fire, attempting to take down the emissaries of the Ruinous Gods' toy.

The Sanguis leaps foward, approaching the line. He grabs one, before tearing him in half over his head and bathing in the sanguinary pleasure of the blood. He throws one half of the deceased golden warrior toward the line and the other, he feasts on. He uses his body's remaining blood to form a blade. He rushes forward, impaling one upon it before slashing through his body into another Custode. A spear stabs into his armor, Auramitian steel sears the Daemon, before his head is crushed in the fist of the beast. Custodes, equipped with Infernal Flamers, introduce the burning fires of Hell to the Daemons of Hell.

As they attempt to sustain themselves within the corporeal world, the Emperor's righteous soul immolates them, casting them into Old Night. Here, Abaddon battles Valdor, Blade of the Proto-Primarch versus the Talon of the Warmaster. Valdor's spear cuts into the armor of Chaos' servant, and the Talon of Horus slashes at Valdor's face. His face burnt and bleeding, he throws a haymaker at Abaddon's face. In shock that they'd engage in a fist fight, Abaddon had no time to react and suffered a massive fracture to his skull. In a quick counter, Abaddon headbutts Valdor, giving both a slight concussion. Then, Valdor attempts an attack, but it is caught by Abaddon. He crushes it within his palm and laughs as Valdor succumbs to the excruciating pain. In one swift and violent move, he grips his arm, before grabbing it and kicking into his side, pulling it out of the socket, before using his other leg to kick him to the floor. Valdor lies on the floor, in extreme pain. He begs his father for forgiveness, for leaving him, even if it was done to help him. Abaddon cuts him off mid sentence, attempting to skewer him with his father's talon.

Custodes, for the first time in so long, show emotion on the battlefield. They charge, spears like jousts, in utter mania . Fury bellows from modified voice boxes, Rage seeps from perfect bodies and hellfire leaks from heavenly deities. One squad reaches Abaddon before he can kill Valdor and attack, managing to retrieve his broken body. As the custodes charge, the Emperor's soul begins to reshape itself. It's golden light becomes a large gold and crimson figure, Magnus' soul still within him, despite being overshadowed by the Emperor's incredible will.  With a body the height of his very sons, He approaches Abaddon, grabbing him. He hopes to see some form of pity on the Emperor's face. There is none, no emotion for this hellish man, who had perpetrated that of his father before him. He stomps on his head holding him down, before grabbing his legs and pulling. The might of a God tearing through muscle, bone and sinew. Abaddon screams out in pain, begging for the gods to give him his Daemonic Ability he rightfully deserves for his service.... Nothing, no response to his cries.

All he hears as he dies is the sound of War in the Webway....

 and the laughter of thirsting gods.

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