Part 14 - Necrotech and Historical Wonder

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The Macragge's Honour lands upon the stable side of the shimmering planet. As hundreds of thousands begin to mobilise to depart the ship that they had spent their entire lives upon, Guilliman and his brothers stand upon the cold steel of the exit hatch, old vehicles stir to life after decades of inactivity. Slowly, a light overtakes the room, brighter than almost any of the humans upon the ship may have ever seen. The hatch descends slowly and Guilliman's eyes dart towards all that appears. 

His eyes flash between clearly alien technologies seemingly keeping the very Immaterium at bay, Necron and Mechanicus forces and finally, the strangest in this downright paradoxical situation, some simple Astartes. Bearing sigils of the long gone 11th Chapter, Roboute finally realises just what the Necron meant. These were warriors of long ago, when the Astartes ruled the galaxy and all of his brothers still lived in the Emperor's grace. The warriors are compelled to kneel, the incredible power of three Primarchs keeping them essentially stuck to the ground. One however, forces his head toward Guilliman. As both eyes clash, Guilliman recognises the warrior personally, believing him dead after the marine's attempt to save him.

"Vared?" asks the Avenging Son, perplexed at his survival.

"My lord, I believed you dead after Calth!" shouts the exuberant Marine. "I am sorry sir, I tried to retrieve you but space took me with you. I do not recall what happened after those traitors forced us out or who these strange warriors who fight beside us are, sir, but I know we shall repay the Word Bearers in full for their treachery."

Guilliman, still enraged at his heretical brother, Lorgar, isn't even able to answer his question. The only response Chapter Master Varod receives is a look of grim determination and hate. "Stand, noble warriors. We still fight on, no matter their treachery." interrupts Sanginius, with Corvus taken aback, viewing the pylons with incredible interest.

Vared, standing with a short bow, moves toward the primarchs in order to discuss their plans as marines of the chapter, Mechanicus tech-adepts and the Sons of the Emperor converge, before a crackling, robotic voice breaks through the noise.

"Guilliman! Sangunius! Ravenlord!" shouts the voice, the incredible crowd dispersing to reveal a Necron Lord, tendril legs sprout out to allow the primarchs to see him.  The Primarchs cease their discussion and turn to the Xenos. "Thank you for your arrival, we have required reinforcements for sometime. And Sanguinius, The Silent King sends his regards, oh noble man." Both Guilliman and Corvus shift their gaze slightly to Sanguinius, wondering just what their brother had been doing making acquaintances with xenos. Guilliman reverts back to his theoreticals and ponders. 

"Theoretical, our brother consorted with xenos leaders. Then again, if it was not for the Aeldari and Cawl, I would not stand upon this ship today and if not for the Necrons, Mars would have fallen. Theoretical, unconventional situations call for dire measures. Our brothers and our father would understand that the ends justified the means, if any of them still live." A flicker of doubt and shame overcomes Guilliman's face as the Necron begins to speak.

"I trust the journey was not hard?" the Necron sputters, his steely face somehow seemingly smiling. "I understand that it has not been easy travelling after the Astronomican ceased to function. But I come to you at a time of both great need and also of great generosity. I have brought these marines of yours from times gone by and I have utilised our great technologies to save the resting place as a show of faith. There are oceans more resources available to me and thus, you, if you simply aid me in something." The Necron's smile dims, his skeletal face returning to it's terrifying empty visage.

Sanguinius is the first to respond, attempting to assess the situation. "What is it you wish, Lord?"

Corvus now shoots a near disgusting visage toward Sanguinius, his use of honorifics toward these horrific xenos would've been punishable by death. He spots Guilliman in the periphery of his vision, instead of horror and anger, his face seems almost inquisitive, trying to reason with himself. As Guilliman always had. 'No emotion, just cold hard logic' Corvus thinks. Corvus then looks upon himself. He sees his mortal body, but within his mind his visage leaps between defender of humanity and daemon of hell, conflicted in his belief that he is any better than his chaos-tainted bastard brothers.

The Necron's voice box sputters back to life, interrupting Corvus' inner monologue. "Thank you, Great Angel. My home world burns. His metallic fingers flick at some unknown technology, lighting up a holo-pict of a strange world being ripped asunder, nanomachines ripped apart to give way to numerous battles. However, upon closer inspection, only some of these battles are raging on. Some are locked in their place, their faces burned in terror or fury as they eternally look upon their hated foe.

Sanguinius' glowing face immediately illuminates. He knows this place. He has seen this place before. These are the Solemnace galleries. Sanguinius looks to his brothers for approval. Corvus seemingly blank stare remains facing the xenos but Guilliman seems to catch on. 

Surprisingly, Guilliman is the first to speak up. "I know you. Trazyn the Infinite, as you have been called. This is why you come to Mars then, to seek aid for your lands? You think we will help you save your home? We have enough problems. We have no way to get to your homeworld, even if we wanted to and I do not care for your horrific displays. These men have been locked in stasis, permanently conscious and you expect me to be content with that? You tortured them with the passing of time and now you expect me to thank you?"

Trazyn's smile pops up once again, a strange contortion of steel takes over his face. "Oh Roboute. It has been interesting watching your life. I am not like my fellow Necrons, I was awake before all of them. I saw your father create you, I witnessed you be scattered across the galaxy and recovered. I witnessed your battle at Calth, and even took a few souvenirs as you see. I watched Fulgrim slash at your throat and I waited eagerly for this day. You will not survive the years to come without me Guilliman and even if you do live to see what is over the edge of eternity, you will not like it."

Forgotten by the Primarchs and Trazyn, the Chapter Master interrupts "You lie, you fiend! Fulgrim is a traitor? You question the Emperor's Children and accuse them of such treachery. Varod's eyes dart to Guilliman, hoping for some form of response or reassurance. Guilliman looks in utter shame but also in recognition of his naivety. 'If only it were so, Varod' Guilliman thinks, his soul crushed at the realisation that had now slapped him in the face. These marines have no idea it is even the 41st millennium.

Trazyn cackles and howls at his innocence. "Why do you think there are only three of the Emperor's sons here, little marine? 9 of them turned against their father and since then, the Medusa died, and the rest have gone missing." 

"Nonsense! Fallacy and nothings. You should watch your disgusting tongue xenos. I will personally destroy you for the Emperor and for the Warmaster!" Varod decrees, his hand gripping his power sword in its sheath as his men raise their fists in unison. Necron warriors, poised above the scaffolds of the forges reveal themselves, Gauss weapons aimed directly at both squads. Varod expects Guilliman to stand with him, hoping for them to deal with this clear disrespect from the great Imperium that allows them to live and eradicate them for their treachery. 

Guilliman however, hears the name of his accursed brother in such reverence and almost wants to rip the head from Varod's shoulders, before he calms himself enough to remember that they were not there for his betrayal. He instead calls to Varod, telling him "My son. The beast tells no lies. Your brother-legions and their primarchs betrayed us. We are the only ones that are endure, to our knowledge atleast." 

Varod and his fellow marines enter into shock and can barely speak, such a revelation combined with the overbearing weight of his primarch's aura leave him in utter silence. 

Trazyn again perks up. "Now that the children have stopped talking, can we get back to what we were discussing?" His hands swirl across his technologies, his necron entourage beginning to stand down.

Corvus answers his plea, "You still have yet to inform us how we are to get to your world beast, I grow tired of your childishness." 

Trazyn's cold steely claws move between numerous screens he has summoned. Another large holo-pict appears, that of another room within the forge. The Mechanicus nearby are alarmed however, witnessing what appears to be a foreign beacon located upon their holy planet. "I trust you need not be told what that may be Guilliman." 

And for once in this unknowable situation Guilliman recognises the tool that united Imperium Secundus and potentially saved the Imperium. The Pharos Device.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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