Part 11 - O brother, why art thou.

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Sanguinius and Guilliman make for the ship, with Ahriman in tow. Ahead however, lay hundreds of Thousands Sons marines, from Ahriman's warband and Magnus' ship. Expecting heavy resistance, Guilliman prepares the Emperor's Sword while Sanguinius attempts to shield Ahriman from attack. However, the Thousand Sons do not attack. They bow before the pair. Guilliman, in shock at the action, begins to ponder. Practical, they are standing down for some unknown reason. Theoretical, They are standing down because they do not wish to harm Ahriman? Or by higher orders? Unclear motive. Practical, find out and then find Magnus.

Guilliman, in a large yet reserved voice asks "Marines, what are you doing?" A sorcerer steps forth. "You carry Ahriman, leader of our warband. We will not dare to fire upon you while you hold him. Do not mistake this for mercy or co-operation." Guilliman asks one more question "Where is your father, Magnus? We seek counsel with him. Ahriman's life depends on it." The same sorcerer begins to reply, before large footsteps shake the ground behind him. The Crimson King, the Cyclopsyker, The Primarch of the Thousand Sons, Magnus the Red, stands before them. Signalling to his men, he orders them to stand down before moving closer to the trio. Guilliman is caught off guard by his almost naivety, however he was always one for pushing boundaries, remembering back to the Council of Nikea and the experimentation with the Warp.

Magnus calls out to his brother "I assume Father has sent you, in his dying moments. And I assume he has told you to take down another pawn of the gods. Always the nihilist him. Even when I was with him then, attempting to save him from our brother's traitor self, all he did was try and win the day himself. He cast me out of him after it, wanting to save me. I could've saved him! I could've redeemed myself for him but no, I have to be the useless one. Hell, the only way I even helped is by guiding your ship here. Well? What are you waiting for. Do it. Kill me and my legion, remove us from the Gods' hand. You know I've suffered enough."

Guilliman looks on, bewildered and sorry. "Brother. We are not here to kill you, nor did he send us for that purpose. We are here to ask you to join us. Father told us to come here for you" He secretly hopes this white lie will aid his argument, begging for the opportunity to save his brother not kill him, Emperor knows he's done enough razing of lands and of men he once called allies to last a life-time.

Magnus looks at him, in laughter yet also anger "Father wanted me back? The same man who allowed my desecration? Who willingly allowed Lorgar's treacherous faith to take hold of his legion? Who cursed Angron with fury and regret? The one who killed our brothers for simply defending the Imperium from threats like the Rangda? That man?"

"Magnus, I know what our father did. I know the terrible things he did. But as a tactician you should see that what he did, he tried all in the name of a greater good. A good ending for humanity was all he wanted. Yes, he abandoned your brothers, he was the root of all of the issues within our fallen legions. He didn't stop Leman or Horus, I am aware. What he did however, he did either out of ignorance or out of belief that it would truly all be worth it in the end." Guilliman attempts to calm his brother, ever vigilant in case Magnus' emotions take over.

"If that's right, then why even abandon our brothers. Why not care for them equally? I understand he never loved us but he could've atleast tried to father us fairly. Instead no, you are all treated like gods on your plinths while me and my brothers burn in the fires of Hell. May we all have suffered the fate of our unsung brothers." Magnus slowly lowers his tone, realising that Guilliman truly wishes to reconcile. "But, I respect you. Despite our constant battling, you were a good leader. I saw that of a pure Horus in you. One who could unite us. Perhaps you may live up to that expectation." With that, Magnus turned to his men, hoping to see willingness and hope. 

Instead however, both Magnus and the trio are faced with extreme bolter fire. As they rip into eachother, Ahriman's body begins pulsing and mutating. A horrifying voice speaks from within him. "If my pawn wishes to leave, then fine. I shall just have to take another." As Sanguinius diverts his attention to the fight, Ahriman begins changing. He ascends to just as tall as Guilliman, screaming in agony and begging to die. As Magnus defends himself from thousands of sons, he prepares a final plot, in honour of his old master.  He calls out to the warp, any who will heed the call of the Emperor. Any who will sacrifice all to save them and the leader of this new Imperium. An answer from beyond the veil comes through, and thus a challenge is found for Ahriman, one of legendary status for his actions against such creatures, one who take flight and defeat the beast that has become of Magnus' son. A man who strikes fear into the champions of the Ruinous Powers themselves. With this last act, the screams of the heretic will be heard Nevermore.


I want to thank everyone for reading, just wanted to add that the story is now being (painstakingly) converted over to AO3 :

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