Part 9.5 - Emotions of a God.

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As the ship leaves Terra, Guilliman ponders everything. Theoretical, his father loved them all. Counter, he practically abandoned those who would become the traitors.

Theoretical, he loved some of his sons. Counter, why did he mistreat the traitors.

Theoretical, he planned the Heresy. He had planned all this death and despair. He planned his defeat by Fulgrim. Counter, you are becoming too emotional, father planned for a culling of the legions, not what transpired such as Magnus' betrayal or Horus.

Theoretical, Father knew that there would be dissent amongst the legions, he had attempted to cull those who were lesser, saving those such as himself, Sanguinius and Dorn who were worthy. He understood that for society to thrive, it needed worthy leaders. It could not be ruled by tyrants or religious zealots like the filth Lorgar. His mind snapped at the thought, remembering Calth, how he mocked him "Practical, Roboute! I am here to exterminate you and the Ultramarines because you are the only force left in the Emperor's camp." His mind returns to inquisitive, why were they to go to Prospero? Theoretical, The weird other presence within The Emperor's soul at the time was a sorcerer. He was a large red colour. Was it Magnus?

Theoretical, Magnus is loyal once more, if we find him, we can balance the scales against Chaos, against overwhelming odds of death. However, his legion may not be ready for this change, they will most likely attack. Counter, why has he not helped before, why has he attacked us and battled great wars against us in the name of the Ruinous Powers.

Practical, go to Prospero, find Magnus, try to convince him, kill as many we have to. Either we save a brother, or we reduce chaos down a Prince.

A voice shouts, interrupting his thought process, "Brother, we have managed to ride the current somehow. It shouldn't be too long now till we arrive." Sanguinius calls to his brother. Guilliman is shocked, how have they ridden the current, the Navigators are extinct. 

Theoretical, we are being guided to ride the currents of the Warp. Someone such as an insanely powerful psyker is directly influencing our ship. Someone who can influence the warp without needing the gene evolution that lead to the downfall of the Navigators, who needed the Astronomican. Only two names come to mind. The Emperor, blessed be his father, and a father, a father of the Thousand Sons. Magnus.

Practical, Ride this current till we reach Prospero, a very deep talk will be needed with him, Sanguinius can do that.

And with that, Guilliman readied. He was upset, but ready. He was conflicted in his mind but knew he must live in the moment and seize whatever comes his way. He was prepared to carry on the Emperor's legacy, even as the Empire on his shoulders crumbles into dust.


Wow. Out of a 1,000 stories in the Warhammer tag, we are number 18! Thank you all to reading, we are far from done here. I plan to expand to AO3 aswell. Enjoy the current brotherly road trip, for in the 43rd Millenium, there is only death.

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