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I spent the weekend at my Grandmas. I missed Daddy so much, all I could think about is his touches. How bad I wanted every touch, kiss. I wanted to get on my hands & kness for him, and take his cock in my mouth. Being a good girl, then sallowing all of Daddies sweet ,tastey, cum.

I cam craving my Daddies touching. I want Daddy to exploed in my mouth. I'll be a good girl and sallow every bit of his tastey, sweet, juciey, cum. 

Sitting on the couch, home alone. Waiting for Daddy to get off work. Mom's off on her vaction with some of her friends from work. I open up my laptop and watch some Daddy and daughter porn. Taking off my panties and shorts. I slide my hands on my pussy rubbing it up& down making myself squirm, thinking of daddy. I want him so badly. I decide to masterbate in the bath. 

I bend over the tub reaching for the fostit, turning it on to hot letting the stream of  hot water  pour in the tub. I sit down in the tub naked, with my leg wide, letting the stream of water pour on to my pussy. I turn the tap on high, taking in the pleasure, thinking of daddy touching and pleasing me.

Watching and waiting as the time goes by. Getting more & more excited as it gets closer to six. Thats when he gets off. He should of brought me with him.I  would of sat under his desk, and take his cock in my mouth, swallowing him whole. 

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