It's definitely just the heat (of the moment)

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Okay so I stole the basic premise of this from 'Cynophobia' in Dani-Phantom's 'Tales Across the Multiburst', where Lui sees a carving of 'W+R' in some tree in the park, so here we are. 


Rantaro flops onto his back on the grass, utterly exhausted. He lays there for a moment, spread-eagled, and slings an arm over his face to shield his eyes from the burning sun. It's far too sunny, he thinks, for Wakiya to be dragging him outside and then refusing to let him do anything but train. 

Really, who on earth does Wakiya think he is, battling him relentlessly without rest in this sweltering heat?

Not that Rantaro would ever say no, but still.

Rantaro genuinely thinks he might pass out. The past few battles have been pretty intense, which at least served to soften the blow because, well, he'd lost most of them. 

But that's definitely only because of the heat. 

"Get off the ground, you're gonna get dirty. " Wakiya grumbles. When Rantaro doesn't respond, he tuts in annoyance. When Rantaro still refuses to move even a muscle or grunt in response, he crouches next to him. Rantaro lifts his arm slightly and peeks at him curiously, and is met with the image of a disgruntled Wakiya eyeing the ground warily, probably checking for insects. 

He reaches out a finger to jab Rantaro's armpit, but luckily he jerks out of the way just in time and sits up furiously. Wakiya just fixes him with a self-satisfied smirk. 

"I can't go on any longer- it's way too hot for this!" He protests, adjusting his jacket from where it had slipped off his shoulders. 

Wakiya gives him a deadpan look. "Don't tell me you're giving up just because I keep beating you."

"Wha- no! I could beat you any day!"

"You sure aren't convincing me with the amount of losses you have."

Rantaro stays silent and just glares at the other boy, who glares right back, if not with even more intensity. Rantaro suddenly feels like those piercing blue eyes of his are even harder to look at than the sun, so he opts to roll his eyes and clamber to his feet. 

Wakiya smirks smugly at his victory and follows suit,  bringing out his Wyvron, but Rantaro shakes his head, shoving Roktavor and his launcher back into his pockets. Wakiya frowns in disappointment. 

"We've battled enough!" Rantaro insists, because it's true. "If we battle anymore, I'll die."

"An attitude like that won't improve your poor blading skills." Wakiya sniffs, but puts away his bey and launcher all the same. 

"Hey! I have perfectly fine blading skills!" 

"Your perfectly fine blading skills evidently aren't any match for my flawless ones!" Wakiya crows, nose in the air and everything. 

Rantaro glowers again, but it doesn't seem to have the same effect whilst he's squinting in the sun. Instead, he squares his shoulders and stomps off to go sit at a nearby bench and escape the sun. Wakiya scowls but follows wordlessly, and plops down next to him on the bench.

Rantaro is acutely aware of their thighs being close enough to touch. All it would take is one slight movement and their legs would be brushing against one another. 

He feels his face get slightly hot at the thought for some reason- it's definitely got to be the heat- and begins fanning himself with one hand. The movement ends up blowing Wakiya's bangs off his face and exposing his forehead, though, and Rantaro's face grows impossibly warmer. 

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