Travelling with(out) style

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Wakiya's holiday plans are disrupted, but at least he's got company.

Alternatively: Wakiya is out of touch with reality because he's a little rich brat. 

(They're aged up because 12 year olds on a plane alone is just too weird, even by beyblade burst standards. Rantaro is a bit OOC but then again, I can't imagine him instigating fights with Wakiya when they're both alone in a big scary place.)


Wakiya is having a terrible day.

Due to an emergency meeting, his father had to take Wakiya's private jet to London because his own had been taken in for repairs, which meant that poor Wakiya was, obviously, tossed aside and expected to make it to his holiday another way.

Which, apparently, means flying on a regular plane. With people.

His eyes almost bugged out of his head and rolled onto the floor when Tsujihara had told him.

"You can't be serious," He insists, not for the first time. "That can't be the best you can get."

Tsujihara sighs helplessly, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sorry, master Wakiya. It was simply far too last-minute, so I wasn't able to secure you anything better than this."

Wakiya scowls furiously before stomping off to his bedroom, steam practically exploding out of his ears. He slams the door shut, and kicks his suitcase angrily.

Which isn't the best idea, because it hurts his foot more than it does the suitcase.

He doesn't have the best sleep after that.


Wakiya's mood hasn't improved by the time Tsujihara comes to wake him up.

It's 2 in the morning. Because of course, if he's going to be using public transport for his trip, he has to be tired and moody as well.

"I mean, what kind of flight takes off at 5?" He mutters angrily to himself for the fiftieth time as he shoves his arms into his coat, as Tsujihara loads his luggage into the boot of the limo.

At the very least, the ride to the airport is pleasant and short. The air con helps wake Wakiya up, and he tries to relax.

Which, of course, he can't, because he's going to be on a plane filled with dozens of other people and it's going to be loud, and rowdy, and dirty, and uncomfortable, and-

"We've arrived." Tsujihara tells him, snapping him out of his thoughts. Wakiya checks his backpack one last time, checking his passport is in there, before stepping out, taking his suitcase and striding into the airport without bothering to wave goodbye.


The airport is an absolute nightmare.

Wakiya feels disgusted, appalled, horrified by the countless herds of people, the lengthy, winding queues, the millions of crying, shrieking babies. He's never seen the airport like this; he's always been taken straight to his jet, with none of the extra queuing and passport checking.

Still, he stands straight, and diligently joins the queue outside his airline's kiosk, clutching the handle of his luggage tightly.

"Wha- Wakiya? Dude, I did not expect to see you here!" A familiar voice yells at a volume far too loud and far too suddenly into his ear, and he flinches violently, almost tripping over his own feet.

A pair of warm, steady hands grab his shoulders to keep him upright, and Wakiya finds himself face-to-face with none other than Rantaro Kiyama. Because of course he does.

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