Work hard, play hard(er)

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Shu attends work experience; things get a bit messy when he ends up seeing his parents there. And, you know, they don't actually recognise him?

Alternatively: Shu and Wakiya bond over parental trauma ft. begrudging dad Silas

Everyone is DISGUSTINGLY ooc, proceed with caution.

(Disclaimer: I did work experience at a town planning agency a while back, but I didn't do anything, so whilst I get how it probably works, I don't know the details lol)


The day's barely started, but Shu's already yearning to go back to bed. It's only once he reads over his extensive application form and the congratulatory acceptance email from his work experience placement that he musters up the willingness to actually go through with it.

First, he'd slept through his alarm. Then, he'd finished his conditioner before his shampoo and only realised mid-shower and had to do a sopping wet walk of shame down the hallway to fetch some more. He then proceeded to pour milk all over the counter during breakfast, and worst of all, he'd accidentally used his sweater to wipe it up, mistaking it for a cleaning cloth.  

Despite having a less than pleasant start to the day, Shu is up and out of the door in one piece, thankfully. He heads on over to the train station and catches the eastbound train to central Beigoma, getting off at his stop with his heart thumping in his chest.

It's not long before he's standing outside the building, neck craning as he gapes up at the massive high-rise, the soles of his feet glued to the concrete ground.

Spelled out in big letters across the building's surface, "Beigoma Town Planning" glares down at him, and Shu doesn't know if he's feeling excited or dreading spending his next five days here.

He enters the massive building through its large revolving glass doors, and heads diligently to the reception desk, mustering his bravest, most charming smile.

Which falters immediately when he's met with the sight of the back of a familiar purple jacket, strolling confidently towards the desk.


Wakiya cocks an eyebrow and turns, probably about to berate the insolent fool who dared call him, but stops in his tracks when his piercing blue eyes meet Shu's.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His expression is far from pleased.

"I could ask you the same thing. I'm here for work experience."

"Yeah, well, I'm here for that too." Wakiya sighs, flicking his ponytail back into place where it had slipped off his shoulder. "Seriously, you got accepted as well? Why am I not surprised."

Shu shrugs. "Again, I could say the same thing about you."

His only response is a roll of the eyes, which Shu feels tempted to return, but ultimately decides against it, opting for a polite smile. Because hey, Wakiya is going to be Shu's pal for the week, whether he likes it or not.

Wakiya turns back around to the receptionist desk, slamming down a palm to catch the attention of a receptionist sitting idly on her phone, chewing gum.

"Can I help you?" She asks in a monotone voice, without looking up from her phone.

Shu rushes forward before Wakiya can make a scene.

"Um, we're here for work experience, so we were wondering where to go? I've got a confirmation email here on my phone, and-"

"Yeah, whatever, I don't care. Take this and give one to your friend, and then go to the twelfth floor and leave me alone." She gestures with a manicured hand towards a small box of lanyards besides her, and Shu takes two before thanking her and dragging Wakiya away before he can make a comment.

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