Beyburst Online

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Bad things the beybladers would do online because I'm bored and you have to deal with it. If you disagree I don't care it's funny either way 😭

Valt: Always, always comments the '😭💀' emojis under posts of people talking about a family death or something and then when he's called out for it he pretends he didn't know that they're used as laughing emojis and he genuinely meant to show he felt bad.

He does know what they also mean. Yes, he did it on purpose because he's a little shit.

Shu: Comments "wish MY parents loved ME" on wholesome posts of people's parents doing good things to them and revels in making those people feel bad.

Rantaro: Will beef forever in a comment section if he disagrees with something. Like it will not stop a until his opponents are reduced to tears and beg for mercy. Also his username is horrendous, like he'll call himself ilovesuckinsweetballs and even though he knows he's talking about lollipops, he knows that's not what everyone else is going to think and he loves it.

Daigo: Comments "yk u can take this down right?" on any post no matter what the post is and makes people feel self-conscious. He also comments "kys" everywhere he's so mean for no reason.

Wakiya: Will find out the real identity of someone he doesn't like online and will get them fired at their job and he'll tell their partner what they did too. He's also the type to go "oops my finger slipped" and then he'll just leak their address.

Ken: gets called a furry online and cries about it
(I'm acc so funny sometimes)

Lui: He is so feral online. I feel like he's exclusively on Twitter and all he does is reply to stupid tweets in the most serious way possible and making them question their existence and he's just so rude. He's definitely tried to beef Shu in comment sections but Wakiya comes in clutch with his personal info and he has to leave the argument.

Xander: Fatshames people. He loves to go on posts about people with morbid obesity and be like "maybe just exercise 😹😹" because he's mean and he's got the perfect body.

Zac: Um? He's the one getting bullied online.

I'm jk he's literally famous so he doesn't do any of that because he doesn't want to get cancelled. He has a secret account where he hates on his antis though, like "Shut up ur just jealous ZACS FAMOUS and ur not 🤭🤭" and gasses himself up.

Akira: 100% reposts art and stuff and doesn't give creds. He's such a shit like that he does it on purpose too but his delulu fans will say "it's not his fault it's the social media ppls who run his account!! 🥺🥺" not realising he runs his own account. He has another account like Zac except he's always in Zac's comments like "Akira better LMAO" and it drives Zac crazy

Free: Reports users he doesn't like except he reports them so much that their account gets taken down.

Kris: Comments "I hope u break up" on wholesome couple posts and "He/she is cheating on u lmfaoooo" and she cries when her friends find her account and are like "Kris??? You commented that???"

Silas: Comments "Just kill it" and "Let it die" on posts about super ill and unhealthy children who are basically dying (the ones where parents just want clout) and is also another rabid "kys" user. The first one to find Kris' hate account (he totally wasn't stalking all her socials.)

Cuza: He's not a troll or anything like all his friends but he's so annoying online because he's always quoting the most shit memes and overuses jokes into the ground and just yeah. He's insufferable.

He definitely still says stuff like "Do it for the Vine" and then backflips off a building.

Joshua: He doesn't manage any of his socials and doesn't even know he gets hate and continues to allow his social media people let him get violated online.

Ren Wu Sun: He's similar to Xander except he just targets fat American people and he's always in the comment sections of videos where they compare America's food portion sizes to the rest of the world like "see that's why y'all got diabetes and obesity u fat bitches literally die" like he is so mean there.

Norman: Yet another "kys" soldier except he will go into horrific detail about ways you could and should kill yourself. He's been blocked and his account shave been taken down so many times but he comes back with a new account dedicated to hate every time. He hates posts about children and whenever he's on a parenting account and the child does something annoying he says stuff like "burn it" or "the way that child would be slapped so fast" and he PRIDES in it too

Okay guys so that's it!! I love the idea of them being trolls it's so funny

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