They laugh at me because I'm EMO (1)

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(Okay, so my other book dedicated solely to my emo Zac agenda was deleted- but luckily I did save the chapters into my notes so here's a re-upload because I lost the cover image and I don't want to make another one.)

In which Zac finds a Reddit post dedicated to him and his secret emo identity.


Zac flops back onto his bed, brain aching with the amount of thought he was putting into the caption for his latest Instagram post. He looks particularly striking in this selfie, the long locks of his pale blonde hair contrasting starkly with the jet black of his latest merch t-shirt, which reads "Zac the Sunrise" across its front in bright gold lettering.

Zac eventually settles for "Wear shades, guys, before ur blinded by my beauty" and hits the upload button, letting his phone rest on his stomach as he relaxes. Today he doesn't have any events scheduled, and he grins to himself at the thought of just doing nothing for the rest of the day.

He stares up at his ceiling for a while, enjoying the silence and tranquillity, before his phone suddenly buzzes on top of him. And again. And then again. And then some more.

He frowns and picks up the thing, which vibrates in his hand again as another message comes through. He sees that it's from his Superstars! group chat with Freddy, Bowie, Mick, and Orochi. Freddy and Mick spam messages one after the other, all in block capitals. Zac can barely read them as more and more file in, and he gives up trying to scroll through past and instead presses the call button.

Freddy is the first to pick up, and then Mick, and then Orochi and Bowie follow.

"ZAC, DID YOU SEE? DID YOU SEE?" Freddy doesn't waste a single second and practically screeches down the line. Zac winces and pulls the phone away from his ear, switching it to speaker and placing it flat on his pillow.

"No? I don't even know what you're talking about." Zac sighs.

He hears Mick snort. "Send the link again, it probably got lost in our texts." He says, and Zac's eyebrows furrow in surprise.

"What link?" Bowie voices Zac's thoughts aloud.

"I found this Reddit page, right, and it says-"

"REDDIT?" Bowie interrupts incredulously. And loudly.

"Why are you guys so loud? You're going to actually rupture my eardrums, if you haven't already." Orochi complains, then promptly puts himself on mute.

Freddy is unfazed. "Yes, Reddit. Don't ask what I was doing on there- it's useful, okay? Anyways."

"Anyways." Mick agrees, clearly anxious to hurry up the conversation and show Zac whatever it is that has him and Freddy spamming his contacts.

"I was stalking the subreddit called ZactheSunrise, which is obviously dedicated to Zac."

"Obviously." Bowie is remarkably good at sounding sincere when he is being the complete opposite, the little pest.

"And then I come across this new post, and it basically claims that you're lying to your fans and you're actually emo. Maybe not emo emo, but it says you definitely aren't just some teen star singing sensation."

Zac is speechless.

"Uh, what?"

"I'll send you the link. You'll see what I mean, bro. It's hilarious. I guess you aren't as slick as you thought." Freddy cackles like a hyena, and leaves the call. Mick leaves soon after, and it's just Bowie, Orochi and Zac.

"If this is real, I've got to commend that person." Bowie's voice is dripping in amusement, and Zac rolls his eyes.

"No, really. Maybe they're out to ruin your career." Orochi adds.

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