My success stories

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I'm still currently working on other things but I manifest little things (seeing as we cannot NOT manifest. We're always manifesting because we're always thinking! Have no fear, only our dominant and positive thoughts manifest😉.) to build my belief in myself and the law.

Here goes:

1. Manifested my grandmother leaving the house today. I just said 3 times with confidence and authority that she has to go out today!  Almost 3 hrs later she tells me she's spending tonight by her friend so she'll be leaving the house soon! - Instant manifestation. She's packing to leave as I type! 😝

2. Manifested $1,000. This was about a year ago when I tested it. For 2 days I rampaged that someway or somehow I was getting $1,000 by Friday! I start saying that in SATS on Wednesday. Friday evening, my father came and gave me $1,000!

3. Manifested a grade 1 (highest grade) in my CXC Maths exam. I did HORRIBLE on that paper, everyone did and complained that it was hard. However, despite that, I got a 1. Only 7% of the entire Caribbean region got a 1 and I was in that group! I rampaged for months while waiting on the results that the CXC council HAD to give me a 1 and they did! Period.

Manifested a few other things as well but it's too much to type. 😂😂

Pending Manifestation- DRASTIC Appearance change. I've been trying for a while but because of my poor mental diet and reacting to the 3d CONSTANTLY, I reached almost no where. Now, I decided to manifest in steps (change one feature at a time) to ease my stress. I'm also pairing it with subliminals so we'll see.


It's your reality!

Change your thoughts!

Create your own rules!

Persist in them!

Live your dream life!

Happy manifesting my master manifesters🥰

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