Redirecting/ Mental Diet

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Hey guys. I know it's been a while but I'm back with a new update/ breakthrough that I've received.

No matter what technique you choose to use to manifest, it will not work unless you keep a MENTAL DIET!

We need to stop wavering and being hot & cold with our thoughts. How can you complain about your skin being bad if you're affirming that it's flawless? 🤔 It makes no sense, you're contradicting yourself. STICK TO ONE THOUGHT!

Anytime you feel your thoughts drifting to the old story, do what Sammy says and REDIRECT your mind back to your affirmations. You have to train your mind to naturally think your affirmations and not the opposite.

Think of it like this: you pray to God for something, you claim you have faith in him but then you worry. That means you don't really have faith. You have to trust him wholly. So, when you affirm, stick to it!

If your affirming for a job, you can't complain to friends and family that you don't have a job. You're confusing your brain. One minute you're affirming that you love your job then the next minute you're on the phone with your best friend, complaining that you don't have/can't find a job...HUH?!?

That's the mistake that a lot of us make. We waver too much! That's why it takes such a long time for some of us to manifest (speaking from personal experience). We need to stick to our affirmations! Stop changing them! Just stick to one and repeat! Saturate your mind! Control your mind! Redirect your thoughts! You have the power to control your mind, not re other way around!

Stop being a victim to the 3D and show your mind and life who is BOSS!  As soon as you feel your thoughts slipping, redirect and get them back on track! It may be hard at first but it gets easier with practice. Soon your affirmations will start to randomly pop into your head and it'll become natural to you. Then before you know it...BOOM!- your manifestation appears.🥰

So, my advice to you is to affirm whenever you get the chance and when you're not affirming, still keep your thoughts in check. Daydream if you have to, just stay in the right mindset. You should be affirming when you eat, shower, brush your teeth, etc. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through an app, set a timer and affirm! Get your manifestations!
Don't make 2024 be another year that you don't have what you want. Do what needs to be done and GET. YOUR. SHIT‼️❤️

Watch Sammy's attached video for a better understanding, if you wish. Until then, goodbye my loves and happy manifesting! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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