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We can change the past! Forget all the 'life quotes' of letting go because we can't change things. HELL NO! We can most definitely. I did🤷🏾‍♀️

I had 3 chocolate bars in my refrigerator and I ate 2 about three nights ago. Yesterday I decided that I wanted to eat chocolate but was very upset that I only had one. I wanted 2. So I decided to revise. I said "NOPE! There's 2 bars in the fridge." Then forgot about it. This morning I open the fridge to get some butter for my breakfast and what do I see?!?! 2 CHOCOLATE BARS!! 

I swear it only had one for the entire day which is why I kept affirming that it had 2 more, instead of 1. And it did! I asked if anyone put an extra one there and they all said no!

We're powerful asf!

Sammy's video attached in the mm!


It's your reality!

Change your thoughts!

Create your own rules!

Persist in them!

Live your dream life!

Happy manifesting my master manifesters🥰

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