Part one | The shine of Sodalite

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She'd shake her head, lowering it down, closing her eyes and facepalming. "Don't get me that look, Sodalite," Growled Faintwing, flicking her thick, dark purple tail around. "You're never amused! Can't you take a joke?" She asked coldly. Sodalite's sighed, her head going right back up, and opening her eyes. 

"Well, your jokes aren't funny- because it seems more like bullying than being freaking amusing!" Hissed Sodalite, her tail, which has a barb, would go a bit up. Faintwing growled, backing away. I know she isn't "joking"; I know she's just being cruel and being a big, fat, JERK! Sodalite thought. "You're just some MORON who chose to come here, you stupid RainWi-" Blueberry, a dark blue RainWing with light blue under scales, silver eyes, and midnight blue wings, with dark brown, twisted horns and sky-blue ruffs.

"Stop!" Blueberry would cut of Faintwing, pushing Sodalite and the stupid jerk away from each other. His wings would flare up, showing his fangs and stinger. Blueberry's scales aren't normal like other Rainwings; he has scales like a SandWing, but they aren't dry and weird, they were smooth like RainWing scales too.

"Why are you guys fighting?!" Before Sodalite and Faintwing can reply, Blueberry continued. "There's no reason to fight! Just be happy, especially that we aren't infected!" Faintwing scoffed. "Hah, I'd rather become a zombie infected dragon than deal with this dopey brain RainWing!" Faintwing would flick her tail, her talons pointing right at Sodalite. Sodalite would start to hiss out with gray smoke.

"Call me 'dopey' one more time and I'll show you who's--" Blueberry pushed her and Faintwing back away once again, yelping, 'Iris! Help!" Iris came running toward him trying to push Sodalite and Faintwing from beating each other to death, while Blueberry would use his medium sized wings and small talons to block the two from fighting. "Dalite! Faint! Stop trying to fight, the past is the past. Who cares what tribe is which to a dragon!" Sodalite's scales were brown, black, and dark red, while Blueberry's on the other talon, were lime, white, and cyan, completely the opposite. "Faintwing st-" Sodalite tried to say before Iris shushed her out of speaking.

"Just forget about it, okay?" Sighed Iris to both Sodalite and Faintwing, lowering her antenna then curling it. Blueberry would slowly stop trying to push Sodalite and Faintwing and quickly run away, not very far away though, and his scales turned back to those beautiful shades of blue.

"Now," Iris started saying calmly, instead of the tone of aggravation before. "Forgive each other, just try to act sincere, please."

Faintwing rolled her eyes, glared at Sodalite and muttered, "I'm sorry." Sodalite rolled her eyes and glared at Faintwing to give that jerk that feeling and said, "I. Am. Sorry." Sodalite replied right back, then Sodalite and Faintwing walked their separate ways. Iris would go ahead and light the campfire with her flamesilk, while Sodalite walked toward the cliff, in front of the den they all lived in.

Sodalite would look back, seeing Faintwing talk to the SandWing with a weird, pale-yellow color, and also has more colors of a cantaloupe. Of course, obviously, that was Cantaloupe, the type of dragon you'd see who stinks and is lazy.

Sodalite always thought that some of these dragons... Weren't the best, but that's all she had. Afterall, she's in a crisis in which dragons can just magically get infected and go coocoo and kill random dragons and animals for no reasons, and who knows, maybe the infected can be cannibals! Her body shivered at the thought, although continued to see the sun slowly drown down to the ocean, then seeing the stars faintly appear, like when Faintwing is with her whenever she does something Faintwing doesn't like.

Sodalite would hear talonsteps coming closer to her, she'd look back, and it was Blueberry with a sad, and concerned look. "Are you okay? I mean-- you were in an argument- so..." He trailed off, looking down. He'd glared down, tucking in his wings, and scratching his head. She'd show a faint smile. "Yes, yes I'm fine, Blueberry." Blueberry; probably one of the sweetest dragons I've known in my entire life... And isn't lazy, or stupid, and is selfish, just a really nice dragonet like me...! Sodalite would show a smile, then said, "You know, you can go ahead and talk to Iris if you'd like. I'm just looking at the sky." shook his head and said, "No, that's dangerous! What if I get distracted by having a conversation to her and then you get infected? I care about you, Dalite, I care about everyone here." He would take in a deep breath and said confidently, "So, either you come inside, or I stay here with you." 

Sodalite's eyes widened when he, Blueberry, said that in such a determine way. She nodded and said, "Fine... I'll come in." 

As they would walk inside the den, it seemed like Faintwing was about to say something stupid, but then stopped herself and continued to talk to Cantaloupe. Finally! She had a braincell in her brain so she can shut up for once! Sodalite thought delightfully. "Ah, well, I'm going to sleep." Sodalite said, then going to a corner, right behind where a bigger stone hill was, and going to sleep, hearing Blueberry's and Iris's muffles of a conversation.

Then, right before going into a dream, it was immediately cut off by a scream on terror, which sounded like Blueberry's! Sodalite would jerk up, right awake, and seeing Blueberry almost getting attacked by an infected dragon, hissing and growling. Everyone seemed like nobody cared about Sodalite, but she didn't care. Somebody will get hurt, and that somebody will be Blueberry! - or anyone honestly. Her scales flashed to the brightest colors she could use, neon red, white, neon yellow, and hot pink.

The infected dragon closed their eyes just for a second, and then Sodalite spat hot, fiery venom right into the dragon's throat. Their scales near the throat went on fire, and they screamed in pure agony, but the fire and the venom together would just melt almost completely through the throat. But the dragon was dead, eyes wide open, hearing the hisses of the burnt-out, fiery venom. Everyone, Blueberry, Iris, Cantaloupe, and even FAINTWING looked at Sodalite with widened eyes, as if everyone was saying, 'Did you JUST do that?!'

"What? Aren't you guys happy that I saved everyone here?" She asked, turning her scales back to normal again. "I mean, yeah-- but like... Since when did RAINWINGS have fire venom?!" Asked Cantaloupe with such an amazed, confused, and shocked look. "Yeah," Muttered Iris. "I'm a flamesilk, and I'm a SilkWing. I thought our tribe were the only ones to have that?"

Faintwing nodded. "Yeah, I'm surprised a dumb dragon like you has it." Spat Faintwing. "Oh shush your mouth!" Laughed Iris. "What about the-" Blueberry tried to say something, but then Cantaloupe just threw the body right into the ocean. "There! Dead body is gone! " He said, while Iris facepalmed. "I'm going to sleep, again." Mumbled Sodalite. "Yeah, me too." Iris yawned, then going to sleep right away.

"That was scaringly quick." Whispered Cantaloupe to Faintwing. Sodalite shrugged and finally, just FINALLY, went to sleep.

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