Chapter three

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Sodalite would wake up, seeing Faintwing give her an ugly look. "HALF of the night you've been muttering, 'GlOry gLoRy StOp sTOp wAA wAaa wAa' like a complete idiot. YOU WERE SO FREAKING ANNOYING!" Faintwing hissed. Cantaloupe snickered and said, "I'm surprised you didn't make Sodalite say, 'StOp' By you slapping the daylights outta her. That could've make her shut up real quick." Sodalite would glare at Cantaloupe with a 'I will kill you' look. He'd stick his tongue out at Sodalite and then said, "Now she's shut up for real." And walked away.

Sodalite just wanted to smack 'em right on the head and bonk him, but he's somewhere in 10 years, while Sodalite on the other talon, was 5. In the next 8 days though, would be her hatching day, the day in which she hatched out of her egg.

She recorded the day's herself; she had never seen her parents in all her life- but of course, maybe it was because that RainWings don't care, and rather become 'lazy'. Yeah, maybe it was true that some of the RainWings in the rainforest were in fact quite lazy, Sodalite wasn't lazy, not at all. Although, she wouldn't be surprised to see any RainWings go and kill, because they're all infected.

Sodalite was told that the cases first started in the Rainforest Kingdom, but nobody knows who started it, or what started it.

The cave that everyone was staying in was a bit dark, so she spat fiery venom on a burnt-out campfire. The acid exploded into fire, but it wasn't extremely hot, nor did it go through the wood. Sodalite could choose what type of 'venom', or 'acid' she wanted. For an example, last night, she used her scorching hot acid to kill an infected dragon

Sodalite's dream came right back when she thought of the word, 'venom'. Was the dream actually true? Sodalite wasn't sure, it seemed so real for it not to be real. But the thing was... She wasn't A freaking NightWing seer, and only Moonwatcher had it. Which she's probably infected too. She'd decide to go out, since there weren't any dragons nearby, just a few white clouds in the sky. It wasn't raining or anything quite bad. It's a beautiful sunny day! Sodalite thought cheerfully, then the nightmare she had come rushing back, when Sunny said to Tsunami, "Starflight is with us... He's.... Inside me" Sodalite jumped right up, snapping back into reality. She really hated that dream, so she tried to make her mind blank, completely blank. Just think about the white clouds, and the beautiful ocea- Right when she was just about to say 'ocean' flashbacks came back of just that one dream, in which Tsunami was sprayed by terrifying acid from Glory, then trying to escape in the ocean. Sodalite sat down on the cliff, her right talon on one half of her face with her eyes closed, and a look on her face that looks like she's Moonwatcher with another 'great' prophecy to tell.

Sodalite jumped right back onto her talons, feeling a talon on her shoulder. She looked behind her. It was Blueberry. "Hi– oh, oh. I'm sorry if I scared you or something--" Blueberry said. "It's fine." Muttered Sodalite, slowly sitting back down. She'd remember last night when the whole group was getting attacked. Knowing how soft and sensitive Blueberry really is, she asked him, "Last night, were you attacked by the dragon? Like er- the dragon scratched you or anything? Or have a scrape?" Blueberry giggled. "Nope. We were all saved by you luckily! It was kind of disturbing, but we were all saved thankfully to you." He said, hugging Sodalite. She'd blush a bit from the kindness she was given, then would hug him back.

Iris walked toward the two and asked, "Hiya guys. I see that you're having a conversation!" Iris said. Sodalite nodded and gave enough space for Iris to sit down. Iris would sit down and looked at the two. "Are you guys hungry?" She asked. "Yeah! Lemme get those pineapples and blueberries." Blueberry said confidently, sticking his tongue out, trying to take Iris's leathered bag while also still trying to sit down. Iris would laugh, putting the bag up high, standing up. Iris was taller than Blueberry, which would make sense since after all, she's literally a SilkWing. Blueberry would stand up too, jumping up and down to get the bag. "Sit dowwwn!" Laughed Iris. He'd sit down, staring at the bag. As Iris would slowly grab the fruit in the bag, she'd glance at Blueberry, then continued to look at the fruit, putting it into the center.

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