Chapter two

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"No, STOP!! This isn't you!" Cried out Tsunami, tears falling down onto the ground. "This isn't me? Haha. Not me? I'VE ALWAYS BEEN ME!!" Laughed Sunny, slashing her tail crazily. "YOU'RE JUST NOT THE GOOD ONE... BE ONE... OF US!" Said Sunny, showing her blood-stained teeth and tongue. "Starflight! Starfl-" Sunny would cut Tsunami off by saying in a creepy way, "He isn't here... He's us now. He's... Inside me." Sunny laughed.

Tsunami gasped, she roared, then punching Sunny, smacking Sunny on her face with her strong tail as hard as she can. Blood exploded out of Sunny's mouth and nose, spraying blood on the floor and blood on Tsunami's scales, then Tsunami started to run away. Tsunami knew that this Sunny. Wasn't her, nor here. She just wants everyone just to turn back to normal. There's been so, so many cases of that crazy virus, spreading faster than the "Plague of Oncker" before the scorching. I don't get it... How does this even start?! Tsunami thought, worried, but still running toward somewhere that'll be safe. She'd go inside a cave, then light up her night vision, so she can see properly.

Why? That word just keeps repeating itself over and over, nonstop. Tsunami would continue to cry, although her crying didn't echo like caves normally do, but Tsunami didn't notice that. "E-Everything... Everything will end. This is the end of the word.. Clay, Starflight, and Sunny either died or turned crazy. I wish Glory was here with me.. Why? Why?! I want everything to turn normal.." As Tsunami looked in front of her, she saw Glory, with a warm smile.

"It's okay, I'm here." Glory said, her scales were black, brown, and pale green, with bits of orange and white on her wings and ponder her tail. "G..Glory?" Tsunami muttered, looking up at Glory. "I'm fine, and you're too." Tsunami would smile. I'm glad Glory's a survivor! Tsunami thought happily.

"How'd you find me?" Tsunami asked Glory. "I heard you crying outside while I was also running from Clay." Replied Glory. Tsunami would tilt her head, not really crying anymore. "I- I thought Clay was at the Rainforest kingdom. We're- we're near the beach of the islands...?" Glory shook her head. "He wasn't, he was near you. I don't think you noticed me though."

"Oh," Tsunami mumbled. "Well, at least we're together, right?" Glory laughed. "Of course! We should go on an island though... Nobody lives there anyway, and there'll be food." Glory said. Tsunami nodded her head. "And while there's no crazy dragons here. We should go now." Glory is always the smart one, always sarcastic and funny. I wish I was like her. Tsunami thought. She'd pick herself up, then let Glory follow Tsunami. Tsunami was pretty sure she knew where the islands were. After all, wasn't that where her parents live closely? Okay, no. Tsunami did not want to think about that.

"I think we're here." Tsunami said to Glory. It had been a few hours. Four hours, she'd say. "We... Just need to- go... At the islands?" Asked Glory. "On an island." Tsunami corrected her. Glory nodded. "But I think we should go get some to eat." Glory shook her head and shrugged. "I'm not really hungry," Glory would flick her tail. "I just don't feel like it." Tsunami would frown. "Oh, oh... Okay, I-... I understand." Tsunami muttered, her wings lowering down. "I'll get extra food, just in case you'll get hungry." Tsunami would start to hunt for fish, which she would grab plentiful of them.

Tsunami would come back with all the fish, eating at least half of them. "I have twelve more fi-" Glory would cut her off. "It's okay Tsunami. I'm not hungry." Tsunami would raise a brow then muttered, "...I guess more for me." Then eat the rest of the fish.

When Tsunami and Glory got onto an island, they started to rest. "I'm so glad that we're together..." Tsunami said. Glory would nod with a faint smile. "Yeah, at least nobody else can get to us." Glory said. That sounded weird when Glory said th- oh, wait am I saying? I'm the one that's sounding weird. Tsunami thought, bothered. Glory glanced at Tsunami. "Tsunami, are you okay?" Asked Glory. Tsunami shrugged. "It's nothing, really. I'm just-- nervous. That's all." She said, laying down on her back and looking at the sky, which had no animals, nor dragons. Tsunami would sigh. "One day other dragonets can find a cure, and they'll survive," Glory said calmly. "Just like how Sunny saved the world. If one dragonet can do it, it's sure that other dragonets can do it together."

Tsunami looked at Glory, surprised. "Together?" She echoed. Glory nodded. "Together." Replied Glory. Tsunami would imagine all the tribes, one dragonet is a different tribe from another; A NightWing like Moonwatcher, and a SandWing that's older than all the older dragonets, a SeaWing that's brave as a shark, a RainWing as determined as Glory, a MudWing as sweet as Clay, an IceWing that's strong, yet small. A SkyWing that has firescales like Peril, a SilkWing who has Flamesilk, a HiveWing with toxins, and a LeafWing who's like Sundew. And all of them together would save the world...

"Tsunami? Did you zone out?" Glory asked. Tsunami nervously laughed. "Y-yeah, sorry." Tsunami mumbled. "You're starting to remind me of those crazy dragons. Are you sure?" Glory would look scared yet concerned. "Nonono, I'm fine. I'm okay, okay?" Tsunami said nervously. Glory would raise a brow then said, "If you say so."

I really hope any dragon can save the world; I don't know if we'll survive! Tsunami thought, scared. She would shake her head. Don't think about that, Tsunami! That'll just make you even more scared! Tsunami would look at Glory, who was currently looking at the water instead of sitting down like before. Glory would just sadly look down at the ocean around them two. I don't know if I should talk to her. I mean, I'm never a good help. Plus, the last time we were near the Kingdom of Sea, I almost got killed by a SkyWing just because I thought he was going to kill Sunny by... By yawning... Tsunami thought.

"You know, Tsunami," Glory mumbled, looking up at Tsunami. Tsunami would look up at Glory too. "Huh? What is it?" Asked Tsunami. "You know how I said... Nobody can get us?" Glory said. Tsunami would nod. "That means... I can get you." Glory laughed, walking toward Tsunami. Tsunami would nervously laugh. "H-Haha... What.... What are you doing?" Tsunami was extremely scared, Glory didn't reply. Then, Glory stopped, with a small, warm smile.

Glory would spit her venom, going right on Tsunami's eyes. "GrrRrRaHHHHHHhhHhH!!!!!!!!!!" Tsunami roared, she can barely see anything, but as she tried to snack Glory with her tail, she heard a thump and a grunt. I think I got her unconscious. She'd think, then going inside the water, only seeing a bit of light in her right eye. She'd still cry in pain, but she'd continue to swim away, as fast as she can swim. Glory betrayed me... She was infected the whole time... That's why she had been so weird... She thought, then closing her eyes, trying not get rid of all the pain. She'd continue to cry, trying to go even faster than before.

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