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The clicker pen was really starting to get on her nerves one particular day. She could tell that it was having the same effect on her sisters, since they were all snarling at the man with the clicker pen. "Charlie, hey! Don't give me that shit. Delta, eyes on me!" Owen said sternly. "Blue! Yeah, I see you," he continued, clicking the pen again. "If he clicks that thing one more time, I swear I'm gonna lose it," Aimee snarled at Blue. "What's up with you today, Aimee? You're not usually as aggressive as we are," Blue asked her. "Aimee, look at me," Owen said, and Aimee forced herself to look at him, mostly so he wouldn't click the pen again. "Hold. Eyes up," he said, and the five raptors raised their heads to look at him. "Go!" He said, and they took off running through their enclosure. Aimee let out a short squawk of joy, always enjoying it when she got to run with her sisters. "You just needed a run, didn't you?" Echo asked her. "I guess so. I like Alpha. He's nice to us, even if he is a bit strict sometimes," Aimee replied. "Yeah. He's more like a friend than an Alpha," chirped Charlie. "I miss the drawings you used to make, Aimee. They were amazing," Delta chimed in. "Yeah, I wish I could remember how I made them," Aimee replied.

Aimee wasn't like her sisters. She was half-human, half-raptor. Despite that, the raptors considered her to be one of them, and she proved that she could do everything they could do and more. She lay down next to Blue, her favorite sister, to go to sleep for the night. "Good night, Aimee. See you in the morning," Blue said. "Good night, Blue. See you in the morning," Aimee replied, falling asleep soon after.

The next day, Aimee and her sisters got up and chased after a pig, much like they had the previous day. After they all got treats, a new employee was trying to capture the pig, but it pulled him over the railing of the walkway above the enclosure, landing in the enclosure. "Well, this is new," Echo said. "You're telling me," Delta said. "What should we do with him?" Charlie asked. "Well, he can be an extra meal for the day," Blue commented, adding a growl at the young employee. "No, just let him be," Aimee said, snarling at Blue. "Don't snarl at me," she replied. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to eat the poor guy. He's new here, and maybe he's nice, like Alpha," Aimee snapped back, baring her fangs at Blue. By then, Owen had managed to get the young man out of the enclosure while the raptors were distracted, but they sensed his presence nearby and turned to face him. "Barry, close the gate," Owen said. "What? Are you crazy?" Barry replied. "Just trust me," Owen said, also trying to help keep the raptors from attacking him. Barry closed the gate, and Owen rolled under it just before it closed.

"Owen Grady. You been considering my proposal to field test these raptors?" Vic Hoskins asked, walking over to Owen, who was tying up a rope on the side of the raptor enclosure. "I told you already, Hoskins, that's not an option. I'm not gonna risk them getting shot because they're out of their enclosure," Owen said. "Alright. Let me know when you change your mind," Hoskins said, turning to leave. Inside the enclosure, Aimee could smell Hoskins, and it made her restless. "I want to kill him so badly," she growled. "I know. We all do, but we have to accept that we probably won't have a chance to," Blue replied. Aimee whined and laid on the ground, avoiding her sister's eyes. "Aimee, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to be realistic here," Blue said. "Yeah? Well, it's not helping!" Aimee snapped back in anger. Blue actually took a few steps back, Aimee's sudden outburst catching her off-guard. "I'm sorry I upset you, Aimee," Blue said. "It's okay, Blue. I'm just having an off day. I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen really soon," Aimee replied. "Well, no matter what happens, we're always going to be there for each other, right?" Blue asked her sisters, who all voiced their agreement.

Aimee couldn't sleep that night. Every time she tried, she was haunted by a large white carnivorous dinosaur, slightly bigger than the T-Rex, with piercing red eyes. Eventually, she took to pacing her area, trying to take her mind off of the monster from her dreams.

"Hey Aimee, I heard you pacing around last night. Is everything okay?" Blue asked, looking concerned. "I kept having nightmares of a big white carnivorous dinosaur with piercing red eyes. I eventually gave up on trying to sleep and started pacing instead," Aimee replied calmly. "Well -" Blue began, but she was cut off by an alarm going off. "What does that noise mean?" Blue asked. Aimee stood there silently for a moment, then she recognized the alarm. "It's the alarm that goes off when one of the dinosaurs escapes from containment," she said, then she got an idea. "Aimee, what are you thinking about?" Blue asked. "I think I can squeeze through the bars of the enclosure and try to figure out what dinosaur escaped," she replied. "Don't do it, Aimee. You're gonna get us all in trouble," Blue said, but it was too late. Aimee was already gone.


I was inspired to write this story after I read a story by -goddesstier called Little Human Raptor, which is a great story that I highly recommend. Anyway, until next time!

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