Lockwood Manor

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When they entered the enormous manor house, two men attempted to separate Zach and Aimee, the latter of whom was having none of it. "She stays with me. Since the Jurassic World incident, she doesn't like being put in a cage like she's an animal," Zach explained. "Except that she is an animal, so she'll go with the raptor," one of the men said. "Are you blind or something? She's a human being, just like you and me. She has scales and enhanced energy and senses, sure, but she's still human," Zach argued. "Well, I suppose she can choose, then," the man replied. "Now I don't know what to do. I want to stay with you, but at the same time, I want to make sure that my sister is going to be okay," Aimee told Zach. "Go with Zach. I'll be just fine," Blue said. "If you say so. See you soon," Aimee said. "Same to you," Blue said, and Aimee followed Zach to a room.

Unbeknownst to them, a man named Eli Mills was planning to put Aimee up for auction with most of the other dinosaurs. Presently, he was furious that the dinosaur handlers hadn't put her with Blue, and it seemed the only thing that would calm him down was having Aimee in the cage with Blue.

Later that night, Aimee got up to get some fresh air, and one of the dinosaur handlers took his opportunity and shot her in the back of the leg with a tranquilizer dart, quickly causing her to fall asleep. He then carried her to the basement, where he put her in the same cage as Blue. Having watched the man bring Aimee in, Blue began trying to wake her up however she could, even roaring in her ear, which seemed to do the trick. Aimee sat bolt upright and looked around, her eyes landing on Blue. "What's going on? Why am I in here?" She asked. "I don't know, but we'll find a way out of here," Blue replied. Aimee heard some of the other dinosaurs thrashing around and looked out to discover that they were in cages that were being moved into a room connected to the basement. "That doesn't look good," Aimee said. "I know. Let's look for a way out," Blue said, just as the wall next to Aimee collapsed, revealing a Stygimoloch, as well as Owen and Claire. "Come on, guys! We're getting out of here!" Owen cried, and Blue and Aimee ran over to them. Owen, Claire and Aimee looked through a nearby air vent, discovering that the dinosaurs were being auctioned off. Suddenly, Aimee yelped before disappearing from view, and by the time Owen and Claire had turned around, Eli Mills had locked her in the next empty cage that was about to go out to the auction floor. "Let her out of there!" Owen said. "I can't do that. I promised those people out there that they would have the chance to bid on a unique creature, and, well, business is business," he replied.

"Let me out of here!" Aimee yelled. "Not happening, sweetheart," Eli replied, gently tickling her chin through the bars of the cage. In response, she tried to bite his hand, but he was too fast, pulling it out of the cage before she was able to. Before she had a chance to try to escape, the doors opened, and she was blinded by the spotlights in the room beyond. Once her eyes had adjusted to the light, she saw a room full of rich people, and she could hear someone calling out numbers to the crowd. "Sold!" She heard the same person shout, and then someone walked up to the cage she was in, proceeding to unlock it and open the door. Without hesitation, Aimee leapt out of the cage, avoiding everyone in the room, and she didn't stop until she had found her friends. "Aimee! Thank goodness you're okay!" Blue said energetically. "We're not safe yet," Aimee replied darkly. "Look, we need to get Zach and get out of here," Claire said. "What about Lockwood's granddaughter, Maisie?" Owen asked. "We'll get her too," Claire said, just as both Zach and Maisie found them. "Aimee!" Zach cried happily. "Zach!" Aimee replied, and they ran to each other and hugged tightly. "There's a monster in the basement," Maisie said, and everyone turned to look at her. "What kind of monster?" Owen asked. "I don't really know, but it has something to do with that dinosaur that escaped at Jurassic World, and Dr. Wu wanted Blue to create it as well," Maisie replied. "I'm really starting to not like Henry Wu right now," Owen told Claire quietly. "I know. I'm surprised that he hasn't learned his lesson about making hybrids yet," she replied.

Meanwhile, at the auction in the basement, the crowd was waiting to see the final creature of the night, something that would haunt those who survived forever. The Indo-Rapture was about to begin...


The last sentence of this chapter is based on one of the songs from the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom soundtrack, titled "Thus Begins The Indo-Rapture". Until next time!

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