Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

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A ruler hit a board, creating a loud whack that awoke some of the dozing students. "These are the monsters that were at the top of food chain. With six different variants within the species, but lucky for us, they're long gone." The professor looked back at the class before moving on. "Could anyone name each variant for me?"

North had raised her hand just as another student began to speak. "Mountain, sea, forest, jungle, desert and sky. All in order from least to most dangerous."

"Thank you, miss Camille." The professor turned back to the board once more and circled the one at the top. "This is the sky variant. The most brutal one. Not only are they fast, strong and have the ability to fly, but they're smart. Too smart for their own good. It was believed they almost wiped humanity out alone a few centuries ago."

North began to zone out. We're talking about these things again..? History and I just never clicked. She thought as she sat there quietly while time seemed to move on ever so slowly. Or at least that's what it seemed like in her head because in reality her professor was calling out her name. Someone next to her had tapped her shoulder which snapped her right back to the real world. "Yes sir?"

"Welcome back to class. I asked what makes the desert variant the second most dangerous variant?"

Oh phew. That's an easy question. "Their venom, sir."

"And could you explain why?"

"Oh," she cleared her throat before speaking louder. "One sting from them will leave you paralyzed after a couple of minutes. And if it hasn't found you by the time the venom has reached your brain, then your body basically just shuts off but it usually takes an hour or so depending on where you were stung because the venom does move slower after affecting the single body part of the affected area."

The professor nodded. "That is correct," turning back to the board he began to write something down with chalk. "Please do stay in class. Zoning out doesn't get you good grades."

"Yes sir." She could hear some students snicker at her being called out but that didn't bother her much because it definitely wasn't the first time. The lesson went on and soon enough the last class of the day was over and the summer days were hers. This meant North could go home and relax. After doing her homework of course. She was now walking down a sidewalk eating a fresh, warm muffin she had gotten from one of the lunch ladies that favored her. As she continued walking, she was met with an extra weight landing on her back.

"Heya North!" The voice was cheerful and familiar to her along with the sweet smell of cherries that came off of them.

With a short laugh and a smile, North held up part of her muffin to which they took without a seconds hesitation. "Hi Chai."

"Thanks! I was lowkey starving." Chai spoke with a mouth full of muffin. She sighed in relief once she finished and went to walk next to North. "So how was your last class? Are you excited for summer?!"

"Of course I am but class was dull and boring, as usual. We were reviewing those Terrors again."

"Ooooooh. Yeah, that does sound boring. I got to make something explode! On accident though." She chuckled nervously. "I poured in too much of one compound and yeah, it went boom."

"Let me guess. Too busy staring at that one boy again?" North made kissy lips and smooching sound which caused Chai to blush.

"No! Of course not! I just uh.. saw something cool that someone else was doing.. yeeeah. But but but! My alchemy teacher wasn't mad at all! She was laughing with everyone else." Chai smiled proudly. "I sure did end my schoolyear with a bang!"

"You, my friend, are a horrible liar." The two had stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change so they could cross. "But its good you and your class had a laugh. My history teacher kinda called me out. I didn't mind too much though but I know Camille probably had a blast with her little posse."

"Wow. Is she still mad about what happened freshmen year?"

"Probably, but oh well. Not my fault me and her boyfriend were besties back in junior high. And she was the one who broke up with him."

"Ooooh yeah. She said he wasn't giving her the time of day. It was funny. He spoiled her and everything. Lucky him though, he's up in the next Generation."


"Do you have your license back yet? I wanna go shopping!"

With a sigh and a shake of her head, she crossed the street with a whining Chai following after her. The two decided that when she got her license back they'd go on a shopping spree together which pleased her friend very much. Eventually the two went their separate ways for the day.

Soon North arrived at her cozy little house. It was paid for by her college which means she got to live there for free as long as she continues to pay her tuition of course. Just like any other day, she grabbed a snack from the cabinet and went to her room where she would sit her bag next to her desk. She took a notebook out of a drawer in the desk and sat down, pulling out her favorite sparkly white pencil. She then opened it and began to write freely.

Hello again, makeshift journal it's been a minute since I last wrote something in you. Lost my license even though it wasn't my fault. I'm still wondering what those people were talking about with those signs. Our lives are a lie? They must be some kind of cult. Just thinking about it gives me the chills for some reason but honestly... I've been noticing a lot more things lately. Things I wouldn't normally notice. For example, during morning news, when miss Wakashi was speaking to us with her bright smile, I could see some hidden emotion in her eyes. I couldn't tell what it was at first, and I still can't figure it out now, but she looked... upset? To say the least, at least. Oh right! The start of the annual Wisterix festival is in a few days! I can't wait especially since I'll be going with my best friend Chai too. I can't wait to see all of the pretty flowers and plants people have grown. I'll be able to get more honeymore syrup for breakfast.

She paused and tapped the eraser of the pencil on her chin as she thought quietly. She then wrote some more about her day in general before checking the time. Oh shoot. Time truly does fly. She closed her journal and put it away along with the pencil before she stood and went to eat some dinner. Soon she headed off to bed after going through her nightly routine.

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