Chapter 9: She Who Sees All

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North awoke in a hammock with the sun shining down on her gently. At least that's what she thought it was. It was actually a plant with a glowing yellow bulb that gave of gentle warm waves of heat.. She sat up and looked around. She was alone. She carefully climbed out to avoid flipping over. Once out, she walked off. The trees around her were so tall she couldn't see the top. There were no buildings or any kind of structure that looked familiar to her. She continued to wander around in search of her friends without realizing the multitude of eyes that followed her every move.

Where am I? She thought as she reached a wide opening with a glorious flower bloomed in the center. "Woah.. that's one pretty flower. It definitely would've won the contest at the festival."

There was a soft chuckle from behind her that made her turn around. Standing there was a woman with long white hair whose eyes were closed. She smiled kindly at North.

"Thank you."

"Are you the lady Venus told us about? Tranquility?"

The woman nodded as she walked over. "Yes. I am her. Although, my name is Jera. The first to have the Nature alignment in a long time."

"Wait.. so if you're Jera then that means... You were Scarlet's best friend."

Jera's expression went from a happy one to a grim one. "Yes.. I was." Her tone was a sad one. Filled with sorrow and regret.

Why did she say it like that? Maybe something happened back then. "Did something happen?"

"Don't worry. I'll tell you everything you want to know when you get to your destination. Now come along. You're friends are waiting for you." Without another word, she turned and walked away.

Is she walking with her eyes closed too? Wow. She must know this place like the back of her hand. North thought as she followed after her.

"And if you were wondering," Jera spoke out as she continued to lead her. "I am blind. That is why my eyes are closed. I usually have a blindfold on but I've washed my face recently."

"Ooooh okay." North chuckled, relieved. "I didn't want to sound rude and ask."

"It's quite alright. Here you are." Jera had taken her to an area covered by a canopy. Chai and Icarus were eating fruit like there was no tomorrow. "They must be enjoying the fruit, yes?"

North smiled. "Yeah. Thank you miss Jera."

"Just call me Jera, please. Go ahead and eat with your friends. You've all had a long journey so you must be hungry."

She smiled again and went over to the two who greeted her briefly. North joined them in eating the variety of fruit that had been for them and after a few minutes passed, the fruit was gone. A small bird approached them and let out a small chirp.

"Oh my god!" Chai scooped the little bird up. "It's a baby Chickie! It's so cute!"

"Chickies are carnivorous and evil." Icarus bit into a peach he had been saving for last. He had a bandage wrapped around his arm. "That cute thing could bite your face off."

"No it won't! The creatures here are friendly. Jera told me so!" She stuck her tongue out at him before she put the chick down. The chick walked in a circle and chirped at them again before looking down another path.

"What's it doing?" Icarus asked as he took another bite out of his peach.

North looked over at the Chickie as it repeated its actions again. "Maybe it wants us to follow it?"

The Chickie chirped again and took off down the path. The group got up and followed after the swift Chickie who was already far ahead of them. The Chickie waited for them at the giant flower at the center of the ring of trees. Jera stood at the base of the flower, feeling along the stem.

"Ah. Thank you Mira." She lowered her hand and turned to face them. Mira, the Chickie, chirped happily and caught a small fruit that was tossed to her before running off. "I suppose it is time for you to complete your journey."

"Already?" Chai whined. "I like it here. The fruit is delicious."

Icarus looked over at her. "We have to get there. For Caesar."

"Sorry. You're right."

"What do you think North?" Jera turned to her.

North nodded. "Yes. We should go. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Of course. Follow me." She turned away. "I will lead too, for it isn't too far." She began walking, the trio following close behind.

It was a quiet trip. The trees got thinner and thinner the further they went. In the distance was a familiar looking dome which filled them with joy. As they got closer, their joy began to fade. The dome was barely standing and it was covered with withering vines and overgrown weeds


"No way..."

North moved closer and touched one of the vines. "Is.. is this it?"

Jera nodded. "Yes... and now it is time to learn the truth."

"The truth?" They all spoke as they turned to her again.

Jera nodded again. "Yes. The truth about The Grieving."

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