Chapter 12: Wisteria

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The sky Terror dropped them off in a field and nuzzled Jera before flying away again. Jera turned to face them with a slightly puzzled look on her face. "That was strange.."


"She's not as strong as I remember."

"Good. It'll be easier to bring her down." Icarus looked back in the distance. "She won't get away with any of this."

"He's Batman now." Chai hugged him. "Just be patient. We've got a legend on our side!"

"Yes." Jera stepped forward and held up her hand. "I, Jeraataru Wisterix, solemnly swear to protect these three until my final breath."

"Oh, you didn't have to."

"But I must. Trust is hard to earn and it's easily broken. I would know."

"Well I promise that you'll be seen as a real hero this time. No dirty deeds!"

Chai happily chipped in with an agreement and Icarus followed along with it.

"As long as we take Scarlet out of commission then I promise too."

"You all are too kind. I will now remove Pandora's effect on you." She turned away and began to move her arms slowly. As she did, a stem slowly sprouted from the ground and followed the way her arms moved. A medium sized bud appeared at the end of the stem and bloomed into a gentle purple flower with three petals. She lowered her arms and walked over to the flower. Once in front of it, she plucked the petals gently and brought them over to the trio.

"Eat these." She gave a petal to each of them.

Chai gave hers a sniff. "Oooo. They smell like vanilla!"

"Let's hope it tastes as good as it smells." Icarus remarked almost sarcastically.

On the count of three, they all ate their petals which didn't seem so bad at first. At least until the aftertaste kicked in. North closed her eyes until the taste disappeared. Once it was gone, she opened her eyes now having a white ring around her cornea.


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