Chapter 11: Blame

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"And after what I did all those years ago.. I could never forgive myself. I wanted to confront Scarlet but I was a coward and ran away. She thinks I'm dead and I'm fine with that, but at the end of the day, we're both monsters."

The trio were sitting there in complete shock. Here they were gathered around a murderer without anything to say. It was silent between them all. Jera still hung her head down in shame. A loud shrill from inside the city broke the silence between them. North looked up at Jera.

"So.. if it was Scarlet's idea to begin with.. then she tricked you, right?"

"I shouldn't have been so naïve. I should've known. If I could go back and change what I've done I would but I can't. This place has become a nesting ground for the Terrors. She had this all planned from the start. I know she did. Galloway was right, I am a fool for being deceived by her."

"So you're telling me," Icarus stood up and lifted his head to reveal the angry expression on his face along with the thick tears that swelled in his eyes, threatening to fall at any given moment. "That Caesar, my brother, could be dead.. for nothing?! We came all this way for nothing?!"

Chai grabbed his arm gently. "Icarus-"

He ripped his arm away. "No! It's their fault he died in the mountains! He would still be here if it wasn't for them!" His voice was filled with pain and hurt as those tears finally decided to start rolling down his face. "This whole journey was a waste of our time and a death trap! Caesar was right about that woman. Scarlet is nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's been crying wolf for so long and nobody believed him. Not even me.."

Jera stood and bowed. "I understand your anguish. And if you wish to blame me also, then so be it but I want to do the least I can and help you."

"How..?" North walked over to Jera and lifted her hands. "Please, how can you help us?

"I can reawaken your elemental alignments and teach you how to use them."

"Elemental alignments? But those aren't a thing anymore."

"Yes," Icarus wiped his face, "they are. Caesar could manifest and move fire at his will. I've seen him do it when we were younger but I guess he stopped and forgot about it."

"If you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, I'll help you all you want."

"I can't be mad at you for something that happened way before I was born." North gave her a soft smile. "But you seem like a really good person."

"Yeah! And if North forgives you, then I do too 'cause she's amazing at finding the good in people."

"Thank you Chai. Icarus?" They both looked over to the dark haired male. He gave them a simple nod. The two then looked back at Jera who had tears of joy rolling down her face.

"Thank you so much. All of you. This makes me feel so relieved." She wiped her face and returned to her calm demeanor. "To reawaken-"

"Well well well." Slow clapping was heard as a figure stepped into their view. "What an interesting lot we have here, yes?"

"Yes it is, ma'am." A younger male walked out behind her.

"Scarlet." Icarus let out a growl.

Scarlet paid no mind to him as she gasped. "No way.. Jera? Is that really you?"

Jera moved in front of the three and lifted her hands. The ground began to shake and giants vines sprouted out from it, separating them from the opposing newcomers. Jera whistled and a loud shrill came from above them. What landed in front of them was one of the biggest Terrors they had ever seen. Its feathers were as white as a cloud's and its beady golden eyes pierced through them as it lowered itself down. Without any instruction, the group clambered onto the beast with Jera being last. Once they were settled, Jera whistled again and the Terror let out another shrill call as it beat its mighty wings. As soon as they were up in the air, the wall of vines suddenly came down. The young male and Scarlet watched as the Terror flew the group away.

"How.. how is she alive. How is she stronger than me." Scarlet balled her hands into fists. "I'm supposed to be the strongest!"

"She looked as young as you ma'am."

Scarlet paused, her eyes widening. "Ace, this is why you're already my favorite."

"Thank you ma'am."

"She must have another Eternal Blossom. She's been here as long as me. Living in the shadows. Under my nose! How could I have been so blind?!" She faced away from him. "Those kids.. That white haired girl. Her friends. All of them must be stopped. If not, I may just tear this world apart myself. I'll make all of their lives a living Hell!"

"Uh.. ma'am..?"

"What. I'm monologuing."

"Sorry. I just had a suggestion."

"What is it?"

He smiled and began to tell her about his idea. Once finished, Scarlet grinned and happily agreed to go through with it.

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