Chapter 4 - Team Reed

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Walking into Traders Keep with Dan and Clara, we walked over to the weapons stand, where we saw Michael talking to four other people.

"Ah and here's the team now" Michael said to the people, and they looked back at us

"Morning team, hope you had a good day so far. today we'll be going with the two noobies here. Everyone, meet Tom and Dan. Tom and Dan, meet your team. We have Jack, Randy, Daniel, Jessica and Reed. This is Team Reed we're talking about" Clara said

"We're going with these two Clara? Come on...really?" Reed said

"I know it's tough having new members on your team, but they need our help, and you know you could use theirs, ok?" Clara said

"Alright fine, but they can't come empty handed" Reed said

"Right you are. Michael! give these two some guns!" Clara said

"Right ho' Clara. Now what are you two boys in the mood for? I got SMG's, Pistols, Rifles you name it" Michael said

"Give these two some SMG's, don't want to give them something heavy to early" Clara said

"Right on, here you both go" Michael said as he handed me and Dan an SMG, full of ammo

"Alright then team, lets get moving. Give these two a pack and lets get on with it" Reed said

"Pack? What pack?" I asked

"This one" Clara said as she showed us two backpacks "These bags have everything you need. Food, almond water, medical supplies and much more" Clara said

"Well thanks...I guess" I said

"Now come on, lets go" Clara said, and we followed behind. We walked farther and farther away from the colony, until we arrived in front of a long extended hallway.

"So what are we standing here for?" I asked

"All we need to do is walk down this hall and we're at Level 2" Randy said

"What?" I asked

"Don't worry, just follow me, ok?" Clara said, and I nodded a yes. We started to walk down the hall, thinking it prudent that we would avoid any entity wherever we were going, but no level had no entities I tell you. We continued to walk down the hall until we made it to the end of the hall, in which Clara brought us to a halt

"Stop" She said, and we all stopped

"Wait for it" Reed said "Now!" Reed shouted, and the team turned around. After seeing what they did, me and Dan both turned around were shocked as to what we saw. The hall we were just in had turned into this dark grey color, looking now like a maintenance tunnel, seeming to stretch on for millions of miles. The walls were lined with pipes and ventilation ducts, not to mention the lighting was very low here. I knew what this place was. I remember building it. This was Level 2, a.k.a, Pipe Dreams. The level consisted of dark, grey, concrete maintenance tunnels, stretching on for millions of miles. The walls are lined with pipes and occasionally ventilation ducts, which often contain a thick viscous black liquid. The reason I knew this was because I but the game, but now experiencing it in real life just brought joy to me.

"Welcome to Level 2 team, lets get moving" Reed said, and we began walking down the tunnel. We continued walking until we came across an intersection, in which we continued going forward. Along the way we found multiple door, most of which being locked, while others lead to dead ends. It seemed like someone was watching us, and for some reason I felt a breathing down my neck, but every time I looked back there was no one. Must of been the nervousness of being in my own level, hahahaha hoo.

We continued our walk, seeming like the halls were infinite, and technically they were, but that's when we heard the screeching of a creature, coming closer to us

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