Chapter 18 - Memories

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"You have made many mistakes Tom, but now it's time you find out what they are! A place to repent for everything you have done!" The King said to me, seconds before pointing firing a bright beam from his crown to me, everything going dark

I wake up to see myself on a bed. Where am I? What is this place? Multiple questions flutter in my mind. As I look down I could see that my legs were dangling off the end of the bed, and that said bed was about half my size, seeming to be meant for 7 year olds. As I get off the bed, I look around to see a room with yellow wallpaper, a TV on the wall, a closet and toys scattered all across the room. I scratch my head in confusion.

"The hell is this place?" I asked myself as I walked out of the room, and arrived outside.

"This is no hell, Tom. But a memory. A burning memory." A voice replied, but no source

"What?" I asked again, arriving at a school.

"Yes, Tom. This is no more than a memory" The voice said again, as I entered the school, finding the halls empty, and an arrow pointing to a classroom.

"This is my past." I said "A memory"

"Now you're getting the hang of it. Follow me, Tom. I've got a lot to show you" The voice said to me as I entered the classroom, finding myself in a kitchen. My home kitchen.

I walked around for a moment as I saw a small picture on the table. I looked at it and saw me and Dan. I placed it back down as the back door glowed faintly. I walked over to it as I arrived at a small office, and there I saw a computer, with our game in it. I looked at the computer, and saw as the trailer we made played on the computer.

"Now do you see, Tom? A voice said behind me, and there I saw a small dinosaur plushie, standing behind me.

"You can talk?" I asked

"Indeed I can. Shocking, ain't it?" He asked me as I nodded a yes "Follow me, Tom" He said to me as I began following not to a door, and there we arrived at a small town intersection.

"Do you remember this place, Tom?" He asked me as I looked around for a moment.

"This is where my parents died." I replied as I could hear the sound of a horn coming down the street, and a truck hitting me. I awaited for my demise, but nothing happened. Instead, the intersection became a small apartment building.

"What about now?" The plush dinosaur asked me, standing next to me.

"This apartment. It burned down. My brother died here, with my best friend." I replied as the building warped to a destroyed state, and I looked back at the Plush Dino.

"You've gone through a lot, haven't you?" The Plush Dino asked me as it walked into the building, and I followed behind. There, I arrived at a small school playground, and there I saw kids playing around, having a great time.

"Why am I here? Why did he bring me here?" I asked as I looked and saw a group of kids picking on a smaller kid near the corner. I looked down at the ground.

"He didn't. You brought yourself here. To show yourself a message" Plush Dino responded as he walked inside the school, and there we arrived at Level 0, once again.

"You've gone, through so much. You've been chased by entities. Ran for miles. Forced to endure the mental death trap of The Backrooms. But, you prevailed." Plush Dino said to me as we returned to intersection, where a burning car laid. "When times were tough for you, it never stopped you. It was as if no emotion ran through you, and you kept on going. So why are you afraid of losing here? If you lose here, then you shall keep on going, just like you did your entire life."

I stood silent as I returned to the room, and saw Plush Dino sitting on the bed.

"You're right. If I survived a life of hell, then I should be able to survive in the pits of hell. I need to stop The King" I said to myself as Plush Dino got off the bed.

"That's the spirit. Now, go stop him once and for all" Plush Dino said as the door behind me opened, and I walked in. War ready.

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