Chapter 11 - Motion

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We shut the door as soon as we all entered, preventing anyone from getting in or out. We all looked around to see where we were, to where the door lead us, and there was when we saw the level we were in. We were in Level 94, also known as, Motion. Level 94 appears to be a large town, a floating castle and grass hills, but everything, had a grainy effect, as if this place was crafted. The town had a big water fountain in the center, flowing with Almond Water. The town also seems to be in the 1930's, in a stop-motion type feel. The town had tiny houses, with some furniture, mostly in 1930's to 1950's. The town also had 1930's styled cars, and milk vans, filled with Almond Milk. The town also has siren poles, which from time to time, played happy cartoony music. We looked around, not seeing a soul in sight, and I looked up, and saw the sun shine. The blue sky was still there, as if it were the afternoon. Multiple grass hills surrounded the town, like a wall of protection against the entities that lurked in the darkness. Climbing to the top of one would result in seeing many more hills like the one just climbed to follow for millions of miles. It was there that we saw the most striking landmark of the level, a singular mountain that pierced the sky, seeming almost transparent to the skies. On top of said mountain, was a large castle, seeming too, transparent. I thought it would be best to trek up the mountain, thinking it would be a good option to avoid any of the entities that may roam here, but my teammates thought otherwise

"Tom! Get down here!" Clara yelled from below, in whited I looked down and saw her. I slowly walked down, trying not to loose my balance and end up rolling down the hill. I descended to the bottom and made it to Clara, who had now been a bit more gladder now

"What is it?" I asked

"I just wanted you to come down" Clara responded


"Well you're here now, aren't you?" Clara asked

"I guess" I said "So you guys find out anything about this level?"

"Well the team's inside one of these houses. Best to join them I think" Clara said

"Then let's go" I said, and me and Clara walked over to one the houses, in which Randy was standing in front of

"Hey guys" Randy said

"Hey" I said

"Team's inside if you want to go in" Randy said

"We were going to, but thanks for the notice" I said, and me and Clara both walked in. We walked through the house, coming across the living room and saw the team, discussing about the level

"So where do we go then?" Jack asked Reed

"We'll stay in here" Reed said "Night's coming soon and we don't want to be outside when it comes"

"What's happening at night?" I asked

"Bad thing, bad entities. The usual" Reed replied

"So what do we do?" I asked

"Stay in here of course, unless you think outside is better" Reed said

"Nope, not at all" I said

"Well I guess a night in here wouldn't be too bad, right?" Dan asked

"Well better than anywhere else" Jessica said

"So when does night come in?" I asked

"Should be coming any-" Reed said before he was interrupted by something outside. The cartoony music playing outside, had stopped. We all looked outside and saw the blue sky quickly turn dark, starting the night. From the hills we could see a large horde of entities, begin to come to the city, and it was there, that we would know these entities, as Animations. Animations were one of the many entities we saw that came to the level. They are hostile creatures that have the appearance of stop-motion characters, similar to those made in the 30s to 50s. The Animations varied greatly, some taking the appearance as puppets, while others took  the form of a claymation character. They came in a large variety of shapes, sizes, and caricatures.  However, their most defining was the way they moved, which looked like a stop-motion animation, described as "choppy".

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