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TW// this is really where the suicide mentions come in play, so please be careful reading. If you feel at all triggered, or like you have to put the book away, please do so.

The note was written, there was no going back anymore. His decision was made, written down on a flimsy piece of lined paper he found stored on the top shelf in the pantry.

The note was sort of a Will, as well.

'Family, friends, alike

I apologize for this, truly. Technoblade Willace was the only thing I felt kept me going- both our parents as well of course-, but when he died, I was devastated, as you could have guessed. It's been about two weeks since he had been hospitalized due to the attack, and about a week since he'd died.

When I came home that night, I had made a detour. I went to where he was stabbed. It was my fault, so what else could I have done but gone to apologize to him in that spot?

The concrete was stained red, I'll tell you. Just bright enough red as though it were fresh, flowed in a puddle that would be there until it was scraped away after decades of weathering. I can't last that long, unlike the stain. I pictured his body in the phantom puddle, cold and dying, unconscious and helpless. I broke down there, I apologized through a rush of tears and shaking shoulders.

I never got to say thank you to the Angel who found him, and called the police. If you find them, tell them I send thanks, but don't tell them the aftermath please. I don't want them to feel guilty.

Mom and dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to survive this. I should have been stronger, I should be there with you mourning Technoblade instead of you guys being alone mourning two dead sons with Tech's parents.

Mom-in-law and dad-in-law, I'm also sorry. Your birth son's death must have been just as hard, if not harder, in you guys than it was myself. I should be mourning with you guys too, but instead I'm either hospitalized, dead in the water, or something of the sort.

I'm sorry I wasn't stronger, but you guys make me proud. I'm proud to have had all of you in my life, I send my condolences.

Equally share my belongings- and I guess Techno's too, since they were given to me after his death-, or donate them to charity- either is fine with me. Mom and dad, I want you to keep the first guitar you ever gave me, it's in my closet marked with pink sharpie on a line of masking tape falling off the plastic casing. In-laws, please keep Techno's violin, he would want you to have it. He loved it a lot, just like he did you guys.

We had C.Ds somewhere with music we liked, and some with our tapes too- we were messy the first few years, and still are, but it's funny to hear the bad guitar playing with elegant violin behind it. Keep them too, please.

Again, I'm sorry that my life had to come to an end so soon, but I imagine Techno is waiting for me at the pearly gates of heaven, and I shouldn't keep him waiting much longer.

Signed with the uttermost love and respect,
N Willace'

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