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First, Alexander knocked out Aleksy, just so he doesn't stand in his way of punishing you.

He drags you across the hall by your hair, while his friend, Hephaestion tries to stop him.

"Whatever you are going to do to her, don't do it, Alexander, her people will get angry" The blond snorts.

"I don't care, she disrespected me, and I will punish her for that"

Your nails sink into the hand grabbing your hair, however, that doesn't stop the golden-haired conquer.

"I will not allow you to have your way with me" you snap, scratching his hand more.

You are sure that if he tightens his grasp any longer, he will rip your hair off.

The only mistake you had done is not cutting it.

"Alexander, she does not deserve that, she is just a woman, a naive one" Hephaestion tries to reason.

Alexander stops in front of a large chamber, the one he is staying in, causing his friend to stand beside him.

"Does her attitude not remind you of someone? Does Aleksy not remind you of someone?"

Alexander leaves Hephaestion behind, before entering the room and closing the door.

It only takes one minute for Hephaestion to realise what Alexander is talking about.

Aleksy looks like Dimitra.

And you have the attitude of Zahra, plus you two share the same eye and hair colour, and the shape of the face.

Now, Hephaestion is assured that Alexander will never hurt you.

However, he is also assured that Alexander's old obsession might return.


The moment the door closes, Alexander lets go of your hair, before pushing you to sit down on one of the chairs.

You are surprised that he didn't do anything to you, thinking that he will rape and beat you to death.

"Are you related to Zahra?" he demands.

"Zahra? Who is that?" you reply to his question with another one?

"Don't lie, you must be her sister, you two have the same aura"

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion indicating that you know nothing about the woman he is speaking about.

"I do not know her" you answer this time.

Alexander goes to one of the tables in the room, before picking up a leather holder and bringing it to you.

He pulls out a rare-looking crystal from it and places it in your left hand.

"She told me to keep it safe, and not give it to anyone" you look down at it.

"Then why did you give it to me?"

"Because I feel like it is safer with you"

You grit your teeth and then throw the crystal at his face.

"Keep it, I don't need it, I will never forgive you for killing Akl"

Alexander picks up the crystal and puts it back into the leather holder.

"I don't understand why you cry over another man when you are already married"

You look down at the ground in shame, realising that he is correct, you are married, yet you still love Akl.

Or loved him, now that he is gone.

"This is not the concern of your likes"

You stand up from the chair you are sitting on, walking away from him.

Nevertheless, Alexander grabs you by the hips, pulling your back against his chest.

Wrapping his arms firmly around you, while his chin is on your right shoulder.

"I didn't dismiss you, did I?

His breath hits your neck, as his hands move to your waist.

"Your beauty beats that of Aphrodite" wince when his fingers dig into your waist.

"I want you to divorce Aleksy, and marry me"

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now