Chapter 6

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When i arrived at home, i saw Laustre's cat waiting outside the door way.

" Yuki? " i called him

I saw him opening his eyes, looking at me directly into my eyes and yawned.

" What are you doing here, boy? " i asked like an idiot and sat besides him.

As if he'll answer you, Zyon.

He stretched his body, and meowed before turning his back on me

See, it's not like i don't like cats. It's the other way around, cats doesn't like me.

I shooked my head in disbelief, before entering the mansion

" Laustre? " i called my best friend slash Butler

" Sup? You're already here? " i saw him getting out from the kitchen carrying a bowl of grapes.

" Yeah, you're really shameless " i said before plucking a piece of grapes from the bowl his carrying

" What? I can't even take a break? You're really stinky. May i remind you that i am also a young master " he said and placed himself comfortably on my couch.

" Whatever. Anyway, I'll be taking out Ashton for a date. We'll be back before midnight. " i said and smiled foolishly.

" You.... I'm actually shock that Ashton agreed to have a date with you " he said in a teasing voice

" Don't be jealous just because the girl you're pursuing doesn't even take a single glance at you " i said and showed him my victorious smile

" Shut up " he said and grunted

" Truth hurts bro. Besides, you already knew that i like Ashton for a long time. I just didn't have the balls to pursue him. " i said

He stood up from his seat and tapped my shoulder

" I don't like Samantha anymore. But anyway, good luck with pursuing Ashton " he said before leaving the living room

What does he mean that he doesn't like Samantha anymore?

I just ignored what he said and made my way up to my room to ready and fix myself for later

I took a quick bath and find a suitable clothes for our dinner date later. We'll going on a picnic at my favorite place, on top of a hill, where we would watch the stars and moon shine together.

It's lame alright, but i know that's what you call love.

After readying myself, i bought a bouquet of roses and some snacks and drinks. I have also brought a home made cookies that i baked earlier.

When i have prepared everything and luckily i was just in time when i picked him up

Ashton entered my Ferrari, breathless.

" Ahh, im so beat up " he said and slammed himself on the car seat after putting his stuff the the back seat

" What happened? " i asked as i started the engine to drive to the nearest boutique shop to pick him some clothes and give him some moment to relax both of his brain and body.

I'll also take him to the salon to style his hair and give him some time to have a quick bath

" We have a lot of assignments today. Sir Monzanto was being strict and uptight as always, he always gives us headache and body pain " he complained.

" It's only normal. You have to endure everything to achieve your dreams " i said and glanced at him

I saw him sleeping with an open mouth. I smiled before driving slowly, to make him sleep more comfortably.

" Hey, Fox we've arrived at our destination " i said in a low voice while gently shaking him

" Mmm? " he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me groggily

" Where are we? " he ask in a husky voice

Damn, sexy.

" Boutique shop, honey. We'll be choosing your attire for our date later "

" But i haven't bathed yet.. I smell bad " he said, hesitating

" I know that you'd be uncomfortable, that's why we'll just see if the clothes fits you and you'll change to it later after you bathe. " i said and ruffled his hair

" We'll go to a salon later, it's my property. You'll be taking a bath there later then you will change your clothes there and they will do your hair. I've already readied your accessories "

I saw him staring at me blankly

" What? " i asked, laughing

" I know that you'll prepare for our date later. But i didn't know that you will prepare everything to this extent in such a short period of time. " he said in amusement

I just gave him a smile

" of course, it's our first date after all " i said before getting out of the car and opening the door for him

He shook his head.

" I should probably get used to this, you opening the door for me " he said and laughed lightly

" Yep, you really should " i said and nodded in agreement as i close the door and walked together with him side by side

" Sacrè?! You there? " i called my personal dresser

" I'm here! " he shouted from afar

" Hey, I'm here to asked you a favor. Could you choose him an outfit? It'll be cold and windy later at night " i said, giving him a hint

" Oh! Ok! Sure, come in please " he said and smiled. Looks like he understood my hint

I waited for a while before they've finish choosing the right outfit for later. It's just a simple turtle neck long sleeves colored in white that was tucked in a black jeans partnered by a black rubber shoes and the watch that i have brought, which is rolex. The newest edition.

While i wore simple White T-shirt and a leather jacket folded up to my elbows, a black jeans paired by a low cut shoes and some small peircing on my left ear

" You look stunning " i complemented and he blushed before looking away

" T-thank you, you too.. " he replied.

" Alright! All set! " i said as i clapped my hands together

" Sacrè, just call Laustre and he'll pay for everything. Thank you, bro " i said and he just nodded

" You're welcome, come again. "

After going to the salon and wrapping up everything, we are now ready to go and have our date.

When we arrived at the place, he looked around the surroundings

" It's beautiful up here! " he commented

" I know " i smiled as i assemble the binoculars that i have brought from home to have a closer look at the stars later, while he prepare the picnic mantle and foods

" Hey, it's all set. Let's go and eat " he said and patted the space beside him

" Thank you. " i said and sat beside him as we started eating and watching the stars together

What lies underneath man's clothing [War Of Love Triology (Book 1)]Where stories live. Discover now