Chapter 11

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A/N: Heyya my dear readers. It's me, Lulu, your lazy author. It took me so long to update and i would like apologize for it since it for the following days i'll start updating slowly. So i hope you understand. I'll also call my dear readers as Lulu's Lilies. Thank you!


Ashton's POV

While Laustre is inside the kitchen, preparing to serve our dinner. Zyon went upstairs to sign some paper works and meanwhile, im sitting im the living room, watching Netflix movies

I would love to live such idle life.

My attention shifted to the door when the door bell rang, i saw Lau getting out of the kitchen while carrying a kitchen knife

" Lau, I'll go open it. You continue your work and be careful with that knife. It's dangerous " i said. I saw him let out a small grin and twirled the knife between his fingers

" Alright then, I'll leave it to you " he said and went back inside the kitchen

The doorbell keep ringing, i rushed to the front door and opened it. Only to see a handsome young man standing in front of me

" Uhm.. Hello, good evening. May i help you with?? " i asked him politely

I saw him giving me the cold stares then he suddenly smiled brightly.

What was that?

" Yes, hello good evening. I'm here for Laustre, im his Assistant, Regis. And you are? " he asked and made himself welcome since he entered the mansion like it was his own and sat on the place i was sitting on earlier.

" I'm Ashton. Nice to meet you " i said and stared at him.

" Ashton?! Who's there?! " i heard Laustre's yell from the kitchen

" It's your– " Regis didn't let me finish my word

" Dear boss, it's me your most handsome assissta– " then, he was cut off by Laustre. Pfft karma

" What are you doing here at this hour? " Laustre said as he got out from the kitchen whole taking off his apron and throwing it on Regis face.

While i was just standing on the side watching them.

" You two looks like a married couple " i commented and they turned their gaze at me

" What? Did i say something wrong? " i asked them, grinning secretly

" yeah, well Master Ashton. I hate this bastard " Laustre said and pointed his finger on the man beside him, Regis.

Regis then held his shirt near his chest and acted like he's having a heart attack

" Ouch, im hurt. It pains me to hear you say such thing baby– " he then dramatically wipe his invincible tear

" What are you doing here at this hour in my house, brat? " i saw Zyon walking dowm the staircase while shooting daggers at Regis

" I'm here to visit, also Laustre need to sign some documents that i have brought with me " Regis said and showed us a pile of folders and lots of paperworks

" Just put it down there " Laustre said

" So.. What's your relationship with this handsome guy? " he asked Zyon and pointed his finger on me

I saw how Zyon's expression turned grim and dark

" Don't point your finger at him. Do you want me to chop it off? " he threatened

Regis just laughed at him and stood up from his seat. He went close to me and i stepped back.

I saw him grinning from ear to ear

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, our body almost touching each other. Not until someone dragged him by his collar and pulled us apart.

I saw how Laustre shook his head and entered back at the kitchen to continue his work, while i shifted my eyes on Zyon. Who's currently about to punch the shit out of Regis.

" Oho, so my suspicions are indeed true. " Regis said, then he whispered something on Zyon that made him blush

He let go of Regis collar while blushing

" Fuck you "

" Oh dear, am i supposed to moan or do i have to tell you to fuck me more harder? " Regis said

" But you're not my type " he added and followed Laustre on the kitchen before Zyon could even hit him.

" What did he say to you? " i asked Zyon after getting close to him

He looked at me then turned his head the other way

" That was nothing " he said, i saw how his ears turned bright red

Is he getting shy? Angry? What?

I'm confused but i didn't bother him any further since Laustre already called us for dinner

" Hey you, get out of my house you're not welcome here " Zyon then pointed his fork at Regis

Here they go again

" But Laustre invited me to stay since it's already late " he replied and shove the food onto his mouth

" Laustre did? " i asked and ate my food

" Yep, I'll be sleeping in his room–"

" No, you'll be sleeping on the floor, in the living room. " Laustre said

" Pfft " i held back my laughter when i saw Regis' shocked face

" What? Why? "

" Stop assuming things and eat. You'll be staying in the guest room tonight " Lau said and elegantly ate his food

" Just put him in the storage room " Zyon provoked him again

I put a piece of meat on his plate and cutted it neatly

" Stop picking a fight and eat your food. " i said and was about to feed him when he took the spoon on my hand

" I–i can feed myself fine " he said while stuttering

" Oh, what is this? What am i seeing? " Regis teased him, and it did not help at all. He became embarrassed even more

" Hey, eat your food silently or I'll kick you out " Lau said and harshly fed Regis his pork cutlet which cause to choking.

Lau immediately stood up and panicked while pouring some water on Regis glass

" Ah shit, here here. Water " Laustre said and help Regis drink his water

" Sweet " i murmured and i think Lau heard it, he became stiff as he slowly sat down

" Ahem " he fake a cough and proceeded on continuing eating his dinner

Zyon and I exchanges glances as we laughed secretly. That's how we spent our night. Eating, laughing and teasing each other. Well, Zyon and Regis keeps on bickering but we didn't mind them that much.


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