In my.

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XGaster is seen in a dark void with all the data complications around him.

XGaster: Why would the Experiment change so many codes at one time? Is it possible that It knows of my inability to Overwrite?

XGaster sighs as he de summons the data complication.

XGaster: What do you hope to achieve with this, Experiment?

XGaster glares at the nothingness in front of him.

XGaster: Do you know what you are doing, you little brat?

XGaster teleports out of the void and into his room, as he looks around it. His eyes fall on the place his box with all the lockets used to be.

XGaster:(I couldn't get it back, especially since the Experiments creation was able to keep it, even after a reset in its "INVENTORY". Perhaps only OVERWRITE is the true way to get rid of him...)

XGaster groans as he put his hand on his face and sat down on the edge of his bed.

XGaster: (It's time like this is wish I didn't give half my soul to HIM.)

Meanwhile, Y/n shuts the door to a room inside his bar. A simple Bed inside of it as frisk is seen laying in it. Asleep.

Y/n:(What did you mean by that frisk? " He was nothing more than a selfish old man who couldn't be happy with anything he made"? )

Y/n Sighs and walks past an empty kitchen, and then past two double doors, expecting to not see anyone, he's surprised to find the entire royal guard in his bar.

Y/n: What the...

Y/n looks closer when he notices that these aren't the royal guard, but very good cosplaying lookalikes.

Y/n: (That's... Strange.) I'm pretty sure it's illegal to impersonate a royal guard ya know?

All of the look-alike's eyes were instantly on y/n. Making him sweat a bit.

Y/n: So uh... Might not be the best idea to try and look like them.

All of the look-alikes had weird lines going down and up on their eyes.

Y/n: ( Those look kinda like... XGaster-)

Before y/n can finish the thought, Sans look-alike is already using his blue magic on y/n, forcing the upside-down heart to appear in front of y/n.

The lookalikes eye is glowing blue, while his other is gone.

Sans: Give us frisk... And we'll let you go.

Y/n: (That doesn't sound right...)

Y/n glares forward and his eyes glow dark for a brief second, as His soul would suddenly disappear and sans look-alikes eye would stop flashing after darkness suddenly emerged from the middle and then disappeared after a quick flash.

Y/n: I don't know what you weird look-alikes thought I was going to do. But I'm definitely not giving you frisk.

Y/n crossed his arms, and glares at the five in front of him.

Undyne: Then prepare to die. Race traitor.

Undyne flings a spear at y/n, but summons a spear of his own and spins it. Blocking the magical attack.

Y/n: I really hate magic. Especially when it's used for harmful intentions.

Y/n pointed his spear at undyne's lookalike and frowns.

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