Prison of Sloth - 1

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The door to the belly of Mementos closes. It's a sickening crash that seals our fate- and everyone else's. All of the trains that floated around Mementos came to a stop, and people descended into what looks like the pits of hell. 

It is Christmas Eve, Shido admitted to all of his wrong doings and the entirety of Tokyo fell into a slump of being one mind. The outside is in tatters. The inside is too. Red veins shimmer against eternal darkness, pointing us toward the bottom of Mementos' belly. 

"It's time to head for the depths!" Queen announces, trying her hardest to get us pumped up. Everyone is excited, but it's more of an anxiety-induced excitement. Joker faces re-arrest in a matter of... a day, so it's literally all-or-nothing.

I'm tempted to ask how we're going to get down there, but it's a dumb question and I'd be making a mistake trying to guess and Shuffle down there. I look over the edge, and as if more emphasis was needed, part of the black and red floor falls off the edge. Little pebbles disappear into the void.

"Raider, you comin'?"  It's Skull that asks. I can hear it in the way it's said. 

"Yeah!" I call back, looking down into the depths one last time. There's a conversation over by a big door, and with the amount of people around it, I assume the conversation is about crowding. I watch a figure in black jump down, the ends of his trench coat keeping a little longer of airtime. For a brief moment in time, I would've had a crush on him. 

The ground is the same, just as the humming of the depths is. It's black and deep red when I jump and climb, the humming is the same from the red veins diving down. Necronomicon whirrs somewhere above me, but Oracle is silent. The weight of the world is literally on everyone's shoulders. 

My flats hit the ground, and the shock numbs my ankles momentarily. Little lights, no higher than my knee dimly light the new pathway we've come across. There are walls now, red and oozing, like wax shelves. 

"I have a bad feeling about this place," Noir mutters, reaching back for the handle of her axe. 

"The Shadows out front were trying to get in here, right?" Panther asks, her heels clicking as she looks around. "What could it be..?"

Joker hums, waits for a couple of seconds, then takes off. No one says anything else, instead following. I shake my hands out. Something about the hall ahead is rubbing me the wrong way. 

You know the coliseum in Rome, where there's seats and then the big center where gladiators fought? We're coming up to one of those. It's, intentionally or not, a sealing of fate. Except, instead of the bars keeping us out of the people, Shadows of regular people stand in lines, pushing one another to keep moving forward. 

"Are those chains?" Oracle asks. "Is this a prison?"

"Who's captured here?" Skull wonders. 

"Technically speaking, I would say it's someone's Shadow." Queen offers, but her body language says she doesn't know either.

"They're saying something." I don't know if I'm the only one that hears it, but Noir's words are lost to the mushed voices and conversation.

"C'mon," one guy says. "Don't be out there and come in here."

"Don't open the cells!" One lady snaps. "I have no intention of leaving this place!"

They're faceless. I looked in. They have voices, they sound and look like real people, but they have no faces. Oh my God.

"They feel safe here?" Fox asks. His arms are crossed- a traditional pose for him. "What're you saying? You're being kept in a prison."

"This reminds me of Kamoshida's prison. They're like the 'slaves' we saw there." Mona places his paws on his little hips. 

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