Prologue 2- Kasumi Yoshizawa

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Third Person- Kasumi

She sits on the train back to her Dad's house. She knows what stop it is but cannot remember the name for the life of her. It's a little misty outside, but she has her umbrella today, so she'll be fine. 

Coming to Dr. Maruki's office was a little difficult today. He brought up Sumire again, and she really wishes he wouldn't. When she...



Kasumi drags her index finger under her eye, then wipes it on her skirt. She doesn't have time to cry, especially because she did it in front of Maruki just twenty minutes ago. Dear God, she's a wreck. 

Shuffling through her index cards, she recites the definition of the Japanese term on the front, then flips it over to make sure she's right. She was a word off, and she frowns at the definition, then puts it at the back of the stack.

Above her, the intercom beeps and announces her stop is coming up, and she begins to pack her things. Then that's when she realizes she doesn't, in fact, have her umbrella. She curses in her head, then zips her backpack and lines up to get off the train. Maybe someone will have one to share with her, but it doesn't seem likely. It just feels a little too rainy for October.

"Oh, Yoshizawa-chan."

Kasumi looks up and finds Niijima-senpai in line a couple of people in front of her. "Good afternoon, senpai."

Their conversation continues when they step onto the platform, and Niijima smiles awkwardly while trying to hide the fact she's out of breath. "Are you alright?"

Senpai shakes her head. "I am. I did a little bit of exercise before I left for the train back here. Um..." On cue, Niijima looks up and sees that it's uptown Shibuya. "Damn it. I got off at the wrong stop."

Kasumi flashes a smile. "It's okay, I'm sure the next train will be here soon..."

Niijima shrugs. "I can go find something to do at the school. It's not quite closed for me yet." She pauses, then looks back at the gymnast. "Did you need to come back to Shujin for something?"

"No, no. This is a closer stop to my father's house." 

Fate has its way, and the rain pours as both girls are ready to exit the station. "Did you bring your umbrella?"

Kasumi shakes her head. "No..."

"Oh, alright." There's a brief pause, and Niijima opens hers, then gestures to Kasumi to join her underneath.

"Oh, thank you!" A little too graciously, Kasumi steps under and tries to keep pace with the student council president, who walks like she's on edge. After a long and silent thirty seconds, Kasumi bites. "Are you alright, senpai?"

Niijima bites her lip. Kasumi pretends not to notice. "I'm still a little bit annoyed about the transfer student and his antics."

"Senpai, he's been here since April?"

"I know."

"What's his name?"


Ohhhh. The really pretty boy with dark hair and the guy she saw the other day with the weird building in Odaiba. He saw what looked like a laboratory, and they talked about it, but nothing went anywhere. Yeah, he had a weird cat but he was easy on the eyes. Kurusu-kun has an air about him that makes him seem so mysterious. It's almost sexy in a way.

"Oh." That's all she has to say for herself. Instead, she's walking and thinking about how nice he must be, or maybe he's tough but has a soft interior. She could pick him apart in her head all she likes, but she'll have to continue making more of a move in trying to get in touch with him. Kasumi has seen him around before, but she'll be damned if they've gone and done things together. "Is he someone I should hang out with?"

"No." The word is harsh from Niijima-senpai, but Kasumi is thinking she won't take that advice. She has a little bit of a crush on Kurusu-kun. 

Kasumi will be damned if she doesn't make him have a crush on her too.

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